Annals of the University of Craiova Physics AUC (ISSN - 1223 - 6039)



Physics AUC - Selected Papers

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A. Van Proeyen, Tools for supersymmetry, Physics AUC, vol. 9, (part I), 1-48 (1999)


J. Gomis, I. V. Vancea, Spacetime Physics from Worldvolume Brane Physics, Physics AUC, vol. 9, (part I), 49-91 (1999)


G. Barnich, A note on the BRST cohomology of the extended antifield formalism, Physics AUC, vol. 9, (part I), 92-106 (1999)


G. Barnich, Classical and quantum aspects of the extended antifield formalism, Physics AUC, vol. 10, (part II), 1-93 (2000)


N. Boulanger, T. Damour, L. Gualtieri, M. Henneaux, No consistent cross-interactions for a collection of massless spin-2 fields, Physics AUC, vol. 10, (part II), 94-106 (2000)


M. Vlad, F. Spineanu, J.H. Misguich, Simplified models for turbulent diffusion: a test of the decorrelation trajectory method, Physics AUC, vol. 12, (part I), 13-23 (2002)


F. Spineanu, M. Vlad, J.D. Reuss, Effects of the shear fluctuations on the plasma stability and transport, Physics AUC, vol. 12, (part I), 24-39 (2002)


J.D. Reuss, Some practical uses of the Lie group SE(3) in computers visualization, Physics AUC, vol. 12, (part I), 40-52 (2002)


D. Carati, O. Debliquy, B. Knaepen, Numerical simulations of turbulent systems in hydrodynamics magnetohydrodynamics, Physics AUC, vol. 12, (part I), 53-60 (2002)


M. Henneaux, Gravity, hyperbolic billiards and Lorentzian Kac-Moody algebras, Physics AUC, vol. 12, (part III), 1-13 (2002)


G. Barnich, Conserved charges in gravitational theories: contribution from scalar fields, Physics AUC, vol. 12, (part III), 14-18 (2002)


J. F. Vázquez-Poritz, The dimensions of M-theory, Physics AUC, vol. 12, (part III), 19-39 (2002)


M. Blaszak, One-Casimir bi-Hamiltonian chains on Riemannian manifolds and related dispersionless bi-Hamiltonian field systems, Physics AUC, vol. 12, (part III), 84-103 (2002)


G. Barnich, G. Bonelli, M. Grigoriev, From BRST to light-cone description of higher spin gauge ?elds, Physics AUC, vol. 15, (part I), 1-10 (2005)


L. Brink, A Non-BRST Approach to Gauge Field Theories, Physics AUC, vol. 15, (part I), 11-30 (2005)


J. Hietarinta, Hirota's bilinear method and soliton solutions, Physics AUC, vol. 15, (part I), 31-37 (2005)


G. Ciraolo, C.l Chandrey, R. Limaz, M. Vittot, P. Ghendrih, M. Pettini, Controlling chaotic transport in Hamiltonian systems, Physics AUC, vol. 15, (part I), 38-44 (2005)


L. Brink, Two superfields in search of a theory, Physics AUC, vol. 16, (part II), 1-19 (2006)


I. Bakas, Renormalization group equations and geometric flows, Physics AUC, vol. 16, (part II), 20-29 (2006)


M. Mondragon, G. Zoupanos, Reduction of couplings: from finiteness to Fuzzy extra dimensions, Physics AUC, vol. 16, (part II), 30-45 (2006)


G. Barnich, M. Grigoriev, BRST extension of the non-linear unfolded formalism, Physics AUC, vol. 16, (part II), 46-57 (2006)


X. Bekaert, Higher spin algebras as higher symmetries, Physics AUC, vol. 16, (part II), 58-65 (2006)


G. Djordjevic, L. Nešic, Exactly solvable quantum models on nonarchimedean spaces, Physics AUC, vol. 16, (part II), 66-80 (2006)


R. Popovych, Direct methods of construction of conservation laws, Physics AUC, vol. 16, (part II), 81-94 (2006)


V.V. Belyi, Generalized Balescu Kinetic Equations, Physics AUC, vol. 17, (part I), 12-26 (2007)


R Sánchez, B A Carreras, B Ph van Milligen, Radu Balescu and the search for a stochastic description of turbulent transport in plasmas, Physics AUC, vol. 17, (part I), 27-43 (2007)


A. Wingen, K.H. Spatschek, S.S. Abdullaev, M. Jakubowski, Interpretation of heat losses from open chaotic systems, Physics AUC, vol. 17, (part I), 44-58 (2007)


Sanae-I. Itoh, Kimitaka ItohFrom Dressed Particle to Dressed Mode in Plasma, Physics AUC, vol. 17, (part I), 59-75 (2007)

A. Hirose, Short wavelength ballooning mode in tokamaks, Physics AUC, vol. 17, (part I), 76-85 (2007)


V.N. Kuzovkov, O. Dumbrajs, Bounded tokamap, Physics AUC, vol. 17, (part I), 86-99 (2007)


D. Carati, B. Teaca, M. Kinet, B. Knaepen, P. Burattini, I. Sarris, C. Toniolo, T. Lessinnes, M. Verma, Development and exploitation of a spectral code for magnetohydrodynamics, Physics AUC, vol. 17, (part I), 100-108 (2007)


Y. Elskens, Quasilinear limit for particle motion in a prescribed spectrum of random waves, Physics AUC, vol. 17, (part I), 109-121 (2007)


Ye.O. Kazakov, I.V. Pavlenko, B. Weyssow, I.O. Girka, Fast wave mode conversion in a 30% H - 70% D plasma, Physics AUC, vol. 17, (part I), 122-131 (2007)


M. Vlad, F. Spineanu, Test particles and test modes in plasma turbulence, Physics AUC, vol. 17, (part I), 132-142 (2007)


F. Spineanu, M. Vlad, The large scale two-dimensional stationary vortex in a magnetized plasma, Physics AUC, vol. 17, (part I), 143-163 (2007)


O. E. Garcia, V. Naulin, A. H. Nielsen, J. Juul Rasmussen, Turbulence and transport in the edge region of toroidally magnetized plasmas, Physics AUC, vol. 17, (part I), 263-286 (2007)


O. E. Garcia, V. Naulin, A. H. Nielsen, J. Juul Rasmussen, Turbulence and transport in the edge region of toroidally magnetized plasmas, Physics AUC, vol. 17, (part I), 263-286 (2007)


G. Steinbrecher, B. Weyssow, Generalized robustness of abstract dynamical systems, Physics AUC, vol. 18, 130-141 (2008)


G. Steinbrecher, X. Garbet, B. Weyssow, Stochastic version of the linear instability analysis, Physics AUC, vol. 19, 107-123 (2009)


G. Steinbrecher, B. Weyssow, Generalized winding number in area preserving maps, Physics AUC, vol. 20, 104-112 (2010)


G. Steinbrecher, X. Garbet, Y. Sarazin, Linear stability of the stationary solutions of self-organized criticality model of the edge plasma turbulence, Physics AUC, vol. 21, 55-60 (2011)


G. Steinbrecher, X. Garbet, B. Weyssow, Mean sojourn time fraction in frozen, homogenous, isotropic and self similar electrostatic turbulence, Physics AUC, vol. 22, 1-14 (2012)


A. Cardinali, N. Pometescu, G. Sonnino, Distribution function for plasma with RF heating from quasilinear Fokker-Planck equation, Physics AUC, vol. 23, 1-9 (2013)


G. Sonnino, G. Steinbrecher, A. Sonnino, The Rényi entropy of Lévy distribution, Physics AUC, vol. 23, 10-17 (2013)




Selected Volumes - Full access


Physics AUC, vol. 18, 2008
Physics AUC, vol. 19, 2009
Physics AUC, vol. 20, 2010
Physics AUC, vol. 21, 2011 Special Issue
Physics AUC, vol. 21, 2011
Physics AUC, vol. 22, 2012
Physics AUC, vol. 23, 2013
Physics AUC, vol. 24, 2014
Physics AUC, vol. 25, 2015
Physics AUC, vol. 26, 2016
Physics AUC, vol. 27, 2017
Physics AUC, vol. 28, 2018
Physics AUC, vol. 29, 2019
Physics AUC, vol. 30 (part I), 2020
Physics AUC, vol. 30 (part II), 2020
Physics AUC, vol. 31, 2021
Physics AUC, vol. 32, 2022
Physics AUC, vol. 33, 2023
Physics AUC, vol. 34, 2024