Annals of the University of Craiova Physics AUC (ISSN - 1223 - 6039)
Physics AUC - volume 25, 2015
Table of Contents:
C.T. STREBA, S.L. GEORGESCU, M. JIGĂU, M.A. DINU, T.A BĂLȘEANU, V.C. DINESCU, B. CĂTĂLIN, E. OSIAC, Artificial neural network as an analyze tool for optical coherence tomography images of experimental stroke models - a pilot study |
1-8 |
A.L. BOLDEA, Symmetries of a generalization of Hénon-Heiles model |
9-16 |
V.M. CIMPOIAȘU, NMR evidence to change O/P ratio of water in presence of -NH2 and -NH3+ spinomers |
17-21 |
R. CIMPOIAȘU, V.M. CIMPOIAȘU, λ-Symmetry Reduction for Nonlinear ODEs without Lie Symmetries |
22-26 |
C. BIZDADEA, S.O. SALIU, M. TOMA, No cross-couplings of a mixed symmetry (k, 1) tensor field to matter fields of spin 0 and/or 1/2 |
27-46 |
C. BIZDADEA, S.O. SALIU, M. TOMA, Consistent interactions between a massless tensor field with the mixed symmetry (k, 1) and an Abelian vector field from local BRST cohomology |
47-74 |
C. BIZDADEA, S.O. SALIU, M. TOMA, No-go results on consistent cross-couplings between a massless tensor field with the mixed symmetry (k, 1) and a spin-2 field |
75-96 |
R. SENTHIL, S. KRISHNAN, R. GANDHIMATHI, Investigation on structural, optical, mechanical and NLO properties of a new crystal from amino acid family |
97-111 |
M. NEGREA, Collisionless particle diffusion in mixed electrostatic and magnetic stochastic fields |
112-125 |