Annals of the University of Craiova Physics AUC (ISSN - 1223 - 6039)
Physics AUC - volume 18, 2008 - Special Issue
Proceedings of the 6th International Spring School and Workshop " Quantum Field Theory & Hamiltonian Systems"
06-11 May 2008, Calimanesti-Caciulata, ROMANIA
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Group picture
Table of Contents:
M. MONDRAGÓN, G. ZOUPANOS, New challenges in unified theories: from finiteness to Fuzzy extradimensions |
1-25 |
X. BEKAERT, E. JOUNG, J. MOURAD, Weyl calculus and Noether currents: an application to cubic interactions |
26-45 |
B. SAHA, M. VISINESCU, Bianchi type I magnetic string cosmological model |
46-52 |
A.A. RADUTA, C.M. RADUTA, The decay within a boson expansion approach |
53-76 |
D.R. GRIGORE, Gauge invariance in the causal approach – the renormalization of quantum electrodynamics |
77-91 |
A. COSTESCU, Two photon atomic processes |
92-105 |
G. ZET, Gauge theories on noncommutative space-time |
106-119 |
D.N. VULCANOV, Numerical simulations with Ricci flow on surfaces: a review and some recent results |
120-129 |
C. ACATRINEI, Quantum fields on noncommutative spaces |
130-135 |
P. POPESCU, M. POPESCU, Lifting and descending procedures for Lagrangians of higher order |
136-140 |
R. CONSTANTINESCU, C. IONESCU, Complete dynamics in the extended phase-space |
141-150 |
C. BIZDADEA, E. M. CIOROIANU, D. CORNEA, E. DIACONU, S.O. SALIU, S.C. SARARU, No cross-couplings among different spin-two fields intermediated by a massless p-form |
151-165 |
D.D. DIMITRIJEVIC, G.S. DJORDJEVIC, L.D. NEŠIC, On tachyon-like phenomena in classical and quantum physics |
166-177 |
A. GRECU, D. GRECU, Dust acoustic solitons in a dusty plasma with dust particle charge variation |
178-187 |
C. IONESCU, The spectrum of the generators in the sp(3) BRST Lagrangian approach for 1-reducible theories |
188-198 |
E.M. CIOROIANU, I. NEGRU, S.C. SARARU, Massless QCD-like theories |
199-206 |
C. BIZDADEA, O. BALUS, E.M. CIOROIANU, S.O. SALIU, S.C. SARARU, Irreducible Dirac bracket for gauge-fixed four-forms |
207-213 |
R. CIMPOIASU, V. CIMPOIASU, R. CONSTANTINESCU, Classical and non-classical symmetries for the 2D-Kuramoto-Sivashinsky model |
214-218 |
E.M. CIOROIANU, E. DIACONU, S.C. SARARU, 11-dimensional Supergravity as an interacting theory on Minkowski space |
219-229 |
C. BIZDADEA, D. CORNEA, S.O. SALIU, Interactions in theories with many massless tensors with the mixed symmetry (3,1). Case of couplings with a vector field |
230-237 |