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Study plans for master studies
Specialisation: Occupational Therapy in neuromotric re-education

Year of study 1

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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 14 weeks
Functional anatomy of the neuromioartrokinetic system
Evaluation and methods for rehabilitation neuromioartokinetis system
Physiology of neuromioartrokinetic system
Techniques and physical methods in rehabilitation
Special tehniques massage
Pachet I - Recuperare kinetică la sportivi
Psychotherapy in neurological disorders
Recuperare funcţională în patologia sportivă
Fiziologia exerciţiului fizic
Semester no.: 2; Duration : 14 weeks
Biomechanics of locomotor system
Analysis of normal and pathological movement
Pharmacologiacl and physical therapy in pain
Rehabilitation and support in physical effort
Clinical practice
Physiopathology of neuromioartrokinetic system
Pachet II - Recuperare kinetică în neurologie
Kinetoprophylaxy in sports pathology
Techniques for assessment and training of balance

Year of study 2

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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 14 weeks
Postural and locomotor mechanisms
Dimorphisms of the motrical system
Pathophysiology of central and nervous system
Physical therapy in metabolic and nutrition diseases
Miofacial massage techniques, reflexology
Pachet I- Reabilitarea specifică grupelor de vârstă (1 din 2)
Metode de recuperare în bolile neuropsihice la copil
Physical exercise in prevent and tratment of ageing process
Semester no.: 2; Duration : 14 weeks
Rehabilitation in specific traumatic pathology
Rehabilitation in ventilator dysfunction
Rehabilitation in urogenital pathology
Dance therapy
Pachet II - Recuperare kinetică în neurologie
Applied hidrokinetotherapy
Clinical practice

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