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Study plans for bachelor programme, field: Social Sciences
Specialisation: Sociology

Year of study 1

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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 14 weeks
General Sociology
Sociological research methodology
Social Psychology
General anthropology
Contemporary political systems and societies
History of human society
Foreign Language
Informatică aplicată
Physical Education
Semester no.: 2; Duration : 14 weeks
General Sociology
Sociological research methodology
Social Statistics
Social communication
General theory of law
Sociologie rurală
Foreign Language
Physical Education

Year of study 2

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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 14 weeks
Hystory of sociology
Social and cultural anthropology
Sociologia politicii
Sociologia comunicării şi mass media
Cultural Sociology
Asistenţă socială
Laborator de cercetare
Semester no.: 2; Duration : 14 weeks
Hystory of sociology
Sociologie românească
Sociologie urbană
Sociologia devianţei
Sociology of family
Human rights
Laborator de cercetare

Year of study 3

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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 14 weeks
Modul I Dezvoltare comunitară şi integrare socială
Community development and european integration
International institutions and organizations
Modul II Piaţa muncii şi capitalul uman
Business organisation and administration
Contemporary sociological theories
Organisation and labour sociology
Sociology of social issues
Global issues
Semester no.: 2; Duration : 14 weeks
Modul I Dezvoltare comunitară şi integrare socială
Institution and services of social assistance
Legislation of social assistance
Social Policies
Social insurance of systems
Institution of public administration
Modul II Piaţa muncii şi capitalul uman
Global economy and labour market
Human resources management
Evaluation of human resources
Labour legislation
Advertising marketing

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