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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 14 weeks |
| | Histologie vegetală- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 8
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| | Cultura modernă a plantelor horticole în condiţii de stres- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 7
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| | Biotehnologii horticole- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 7
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| | Taxonomia antofitelor- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 8
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Semester no.: 2; Duration : 14 weeks |
| | Taxonomia antofitelor- Total number of course hours/semester: 14
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 4
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| | Morfologia şi anatomia comparată a plantelor crescute în condiţii normale şi de stres- Total number of course hours/semester: 14
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 4
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| | Paraziţi vegetali ai plantelor şi combaterea lor- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 7
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| | Dăunători animali ai plantelor şi combaterea lor- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 7
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| | Fiziologia comparată a plantelor- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 8
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