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Study plans for bachelor programme, field: Environmental engineering
Specialisation: Environmental conservation and engineering in agriculture

Year of study 1

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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 14 weeks
Special mathematics
Informatică aplicată
Noţiuni de Biologie I (botanică)
General ecology
Geometry and technical design
Limbă străină
Italian language
French language
English language
Semester no.: 2; Duration : 14 weeks
Organic chemistry
Linear algebra
Geometry and technical design
Biology I notions (botanics and physiology)
General ecology
Limbă străină
Italian language
French language
English language
Physical education

Year of study 2

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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 14 weeks
Environmental audit and impact study
Biology II notions (zoology and microbiology)
Pollution (sources, pollutants dispersion)
Wastes administration
Mechanics. Material resistance. Machines Organs
Automatization elements
Fluids mechanics
Limbă străină
Italian language
French language
English language
Semester no.: 2; Duration : 14 weeks
Biology II notions (zoology and microbiology)
Wastes administration
Environmental organization and systematization
Land improvement
Land improvement - Project
Mechanics. Material resistance. Machines Organs
Fluids mechanics
Limbă străină
Italian language
French language
English language

Year of study 3

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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 14 weeks
Arrangement and administration of water resources
Biometry in ecology
Biology and soil enzymology
Ecology of antropic systems I (fruit-growing and viticultural)
Plant protection and ecological impact
Hydrology and Hydrogeology
Semester no.: 2; Duration : 14 weeks
Rivers Regularization
Biodiversity preservation
Ecology of antropic systems I (fruit-growing and viticultural)
Plant protection and ecological impact
Hydrology and Hydrogeology
Regenerative and non-regenerative energies

Year of study 4

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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 14 weeks
Ecology of antropic systems II (vegetable-growing and floriculture)
Polluting processes and products
Methods and means of depolution
Arrangements and constructions for environment protection
Equipments and installations for environmental protection
Ecological management
Investigation means of environment pollution
Semester no.: 2; Duration : 14 weeks
Ecology of antropic systems II (vegetable-growing and floriculture)
Polluting processes and products
Industrial pollution and environmental protection
Arrangements and constructions for environment protection
Equipments and installations for environmental protection
Legislation of environment protection

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University of Craiova, Romania

address: st. A. I. Cuza no.13, Craiova, Romania, zip: 200585
fax: +40 251 411688
tel: +40 251 411688