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Colloquium Image and Political Power in the Golden Age
Associated Events
Academia Rumana, Craiova
Pagina Universitatii


Relevance - Internacional Colloquium Image and Political Power in the Golden Age: the European Festive Culture between Representation and Instrumentalisation

The present scientific event integrates into two major existing research trends of our field. First of all, there are the research directions imposed by the group PROTEO of the University of Burgos, reflected in a grant coordinated by PhD. María Luisa Lobato in 2004-2006, awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, which focused on Power and Festive Representations (16th-17th centuries). Subsequently, since 2010, the Romanian Academy is developing a research project coordinated by Oana Sâmbrian Toma, “Il principe galante: Codification and Ritual in 16th and 17th Centuries Europe (Case Study: Spain and Romania)”, a project which is integrated in the larger research program Festive Dimension of Power in the Romanian Space (16th-20th Centuries). The research project aims at the collaboration between Romanian (Oana Sâmbrian Toma, Romanian Academ; Constantin Ittu, Brukenthal Museum, Teodor Sâmbrian, University of Craiova) and Spanish researchers (María Luisa Lobato, University of Burgos; Francisco Sáez Raposo, Superior Council of Scientific Research, Madrid, Jesús González Maestro, University of Vigo), in order to articulate the issue of the project from a joint perspective. The collaboration also wishes to publish the results of its three year research in a bilingual volume, which will include an interdisciplinary perspective (History, Literature and Heraldry).

Image and power have been to date the subject of international congresses, such as Power and Authority in Spanish Golden Age, 2-3 November 2009, organized by the University of Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, in collaboration with the Oxford Research Group and GRISO (University of Navarra): A similar conference was held in Lerma on 26-29 September 2005, Festive Drama and Aristocratic Culture in Don Quixote’s Epoch, coordinated by Prof. Maria Luisa Lobato (University of Burgos) and PhD. Bernardo Garcia (Universidad Complutense, Madrid). Consequently, our event falls on the already internationally drawn line of how to promote the relationship between image and power, through appropriate congresses and conferences and their proceedings.

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