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Colloquium Image and Political Power in the Golden Age
Associated Events
Academia Rumana, Craiova
Pagina Universitatii


Motivation - Internacional Colloquium Image and Political Power in the Golden Age: the European Festive Culture between Representation and Instrumentalisation

Our colloquium aims to fulfil a series of objectives, which generally answer to two main directions: first, the integration of Romanian scientific community in the much wider area of international research, on the other, engaging the media and civil society knowledge of the key developments of Hispanism. Through communication sessions, plenary lectures, round tables and book presentations we hope primarily to promote the most valuable results of Romanian hispanists, following the round table to correlate the directions of research in Romania with the ones existing worldwide up to date. Communication sessions to be organized will allow the exchange of ideas between Romanian and foreign researchers. The establishment of dialogue between specialists from different nations and specialties is one of the fundamental objectives of our colloquium. The plenary sessions, assigned to personalities in the field, such as acad. PhD. Carmen Sanz (Universidad Complutense, Madrid) or María Luisa Lobato (University of Burgos), shall inform the public regarding the newest professional achievements and most relevant knowledge about the topic proposed for discussion. Our event also aims to aware Romanian specialists regarding a new approach to literature from a philosophical perspective, a totally new direction, belonging to PhD. Jesús González Maestro (University of Vigo), who will expose his ideas during the presentation of his seven books sequel, the last of which occurred in 2009, all gathered under the title Critique of Literary Reason. This exhibition will bring to debate the main trends in the management and conceptualization of literary theory, which will subsequently become accessible to Romanian experts, allowing the integration of Romanian scientific community in the activities of the international scientific one.

Another important goal of our event is to determine the exchange of experience between Romanian and foreign researchers, continuing the training of joint research teams, which will increase Romanian participation in EU programs and the integration of Romanian Area of Research in the European area research. Following the workshop "Spanish Golden Age before and after Lope de Vega´s New Art", held in 7-9 May 2009 in Craiova, cofinanced by ANCS, a mixed team founded the research project which is now organising this colloquium, coordinated by Oana Sâmbrian Toma. The same workshop put the base of the first Spanish-Romanian review of Golden Age, Hispania Felix, whose first monographic issue was published in March 2010 in Spain, having a Romanian GE. This review will be presented at the symposium. Therefore, we truly believe that this goal is realistic and that our meeting will be able to create another joint research teams, which will lead to the integration of Romanian scientific community in the international scientific community activities, as well as to visibly increase the Romanian contribution to international scientific heritage.

By integrating massmedia in promoting the event, we want to ensure the widest dissemination of the results of our symposium, through its dedicated broadcasts and interviews, and to aware society regarding the importance of scientific research.

Live online streaming of the event would also raise the awareness of civil society to support the development of research. This year's event also wishes to contribute to Romanian participation in organizing international scientific events that match the current directions of global research, in order to increase the Romanian contributions and visibility. Moreover, our colloquium sustains the development of present joint team projects, as well as the organization of new joint research teams.

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