The Department of Applied Mathematics (DAM) has been founded as
an autonomous department within the University of Craiova, directly
subordinated to the Rectorship, by the Senate’s decision from June 2001.
based on art.no.56(3) from the Law of Education, to resolve two big
problems :
organizing the mathematics teaching staff who develop didactic
activities to many beneficiary faculties, with non-mathematical
a better management of the universitary autonomy in the financial field
Through this department, a growth of the efficiency of the collaboration
between mathematicians and experts from other fields that use
mathematics, is foreseen. DAM offers the organizational framework in
which future mathematicians can form themselves, who wish to use the
mathematical instrument in order to solve the problems raised by
The beneficiary faculties are:
Faculty of Agriculture and
Automation, Computers and Electronics
Economics and
Bussiness Administration
Sciences, Physics, Chimistry
HIstory and Educational Sciences
The activities of DAM are coordinated by a Proffesoral Council
according to the Regulations of Organizing and Functioning
approved by the Senate of the University of Craiova. The following
persons are part of the Proffesoral Council :
Director DMA: Conf. Univ. Dr. Romulus Militaru
- Conf. Univ. Dr.
Dana Constantinescu
Conf. Univ. Dr.
Mihaela Racila
- Lect. Univ. Dr. Liliana
- Lect. Univ. Dr.
Florian Munteanu
Research and International
- Conf. Univ. Dr.
Mihaela Racila
Erasmus Coordinator:
- Lect. Univ. Dr.
Adela Ionescu