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Colloquium Image and Political Power in the Golden Age
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Academia Rumana, Craiova
Pagina Universitatii


Presentation - Internacional Colloquium Image and Political Power in the Golden Age: the European Festive Culture between Representation and Instrumentalisation

The 16th and 17th centuries have represented, both in Spain and the Romanian countries Vallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania, an important moment for the flourishing of the nobiliar festive culture. The interest towards a new way of savoire-faire, together with the propaganda from the public space have determined the appearance of a certain sensibility and of a certain refinement. In the 17th century, the presence of the duke Diego de Estrada in Gabriel Bethlen’s Transylvanian court encouraged the reception of the Spanish ceremonial, especially during dances, games and feasts.

This intriguing episode of common history determined the Romanian’s Academy Cultural History Group to initiate the research grant European Festive Culture between Representation and Instrumentalisation (16th-17th centuries), coordinated by Oana Andreia Sâmbrian-Toma (Romanian Academy, Craiova) and María Luisa Lobato (University of Burgos) who, together with a team of Spanish and Romanian researchers are studying the festive dimension of political power in Spain and the Romanian countries in the 16th and 17th centuries. During this first conference we intend to share the first results of our research, comparing the differences and similitudes and analysing the ways of reception.

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