Ph.D., Applied Mathematical and Computational Sciences,
University of Franche-Comté, Besançon, France, 2005
Ph.D Thesis: Mathematical modeling of multiscale transfer of
mechanical signals in human cortical bone. Theoretical aspects and
computational methods
Dissertation Advisors: Prof. J.M. Crolet (University of Franche-Comté,
Besançon, France) and Prof. C. Niculescu (University of Craiova,
Members of the commission : D. Cioranescu, Univ.
Paris VI (France), M. El Hatri, Univ. Fès (Maroc), M.C. Ho Ba Tho, Univ.
Compiègne (France), M. Panfilov, Univ. Nancy I (France), J.N Pernin,
Univ. Besançon (France), V. Radulescu, Univ. Craiova (Romania)
For this thesis I have received the mention: très honorable
M.S. Mathematics, University of Craiova, Romania,
B.S. Mathematics, University of Craiova, Romania,
Maîtrise de Mathématiques – mention Ingénierie
Mathématique, University Jean Monnet of
St Etienne, France, 1994 |