Granturi de cercetare:
• Grant de cercetare (CEEX) nr. C85/2006, beneficiar: Ministerul Educatiei si Cercetarii ; coordonator: Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Ingineria si Managementul Sistemelor Tehnologice din Drobeta Turnu Severin; director proiect: Mangra Mihail; titlul: Dezvoltarea cunoasterii asupra elaborarii si microprocesarii prin metalurgia pulberilor a materialelor nanostructurate pentru componente MEMS; acronim: PRONANOMAT (membru in colectivul de cercetare); durata finantarii: 2006-2008.
• Grant de cercetare (CEEX) 2006, beneficiar: Ministerul Educatiei si Cercetarii; coordonator: Institutul National de Cercetare - Dezvoltare in Sudura si Incercari de Materiale - ISIM Timisoara; partener: Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Ingineria si Managementul Sistemelor Tehnologice din Drobeta Turnu Severin; coordonator parteneriat: Mangra Mihail; titlul: Centrul virtual pentru tehnologii integrate cu aplicatii ale energiei electroultraacustice in ingineria materialelor avansate; acronim: ULTRATECH;membru in colectivul de cercetare, durata finantarii: 2006-2008.
• Grant de cercetare (CEEX) 2006, beneficiar: Ministerul Educatiei si Cercetarii; coordonator: Institutul National de Cercetare - Dezvoltare in Sudura si Incercari de Materiale - ISIM Timisoara; partener: Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Ingineria si Managementul Sistemelor Tehnologice din Drobeta Turnu Severin; coordonator parteneriat: Mangra Mihail; titlul: Microstraturi plurifunctionalizate pentru acoperirea aliajelor de titan prin tehnologii avansate); acronim: MICROFUNCTIA (membru in colectivul de cercetare); durata finantarii: 2006-2008.
• Contract de cercetare nr. 71-135/2007, tip PN II – PC beneficiar Ministerul Educatiei si Cercetarii; coordonator: Institutul de Sudura si Incercarea Materialelor, ISIM, Timisoara; parteneriat: Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Ingineria si Managementul Sistemelor Tehnologice din Drobeta Turnu Severin ; coordonator parteneriat: prof. Mangra Mihail ; titlul : Sisteme de microimbinare pentru elemente de circuit si incapsulare ale microsenzorilor si actuatorilor; acronim : MICROWELD (membru in colectivul de cercetare); durata finantarii : 2007-2010; valoare: 1.893.700 RON.
• Contract de cercetare nr. 24/S/16.01.2006, beneficiar Ministerul Economiei si ComerŃului, RAAN: director de proiect lector dr. Patrascoiu Constantin; titlul: “Modele matematice si numerice in studiul distrugerilor produse in diverse materiale datorita impactului cu particule lichide sau solide, vartejurilor, colapsurilor, bulelor de cavitatie si a impactului acestora asupra mediului (membru in colectivul de cercetare); durata finantarii: 2005-2006
• Contract de cercetare nr. 38C/30.04.2009, beneficiar SC Porexim SRL, titlul: „Utilizarea tehnicilor de simulare în optimizarea procesului de producŃie în cadrul firmei SC Porexim”, durata finanŃării 2009-2010.

Carti si cursuri publicate:
Luminita Grecu, Metode Numerice cu aplicatii în C/C++, Editura Universitaria, (ISBN 978-606-510-490-7) Craiova, 2009, 234 pag.
Luminita Grecu, Analiză Matematică pentru Ingineri, Editura Universitaria, (ISBN 978-606-588-332-0) Craiova, 2008, 252 pag.
• Ion Vladimirescu, Luminita Grecu, „Elemente de algebră liniară, geometrie analitică si diferentială” , Editura Universitaria, Craiova, 2007 (ISBN 978-973-742-757-1), 256 pag.
Grecu Luminita , „Probleme rezolvate de analiză matematică”, Editura TipoRadical, Dr. Tr. Severin, (ISBN 973-7830-48-2), 2006.
• Adela Ionescu, Mihai Costescu, Luminita Grecu, „Elemente de calcul numeric. Modele computaŃionale” , Editura Universitaria, Craiova, 2005 (ISBN 973-742-155-8).
Grecu Luminita, Ionescu Adela, „Capitole de algebră”, Editura Universitaria, Craiova, (ISBN 973-8043-75), 2005.
• Patrascoiu Constantin, Grecu Luminita, Ilare Bordeasu, „Matematici aplicate în tehnica”, Editura Politehnica, Timisoara, (ISBN 973-625-068-7), 2003.
• Vasile Tomita, Stuparu Dragos, Grecu Luminita, „Matematici superioare”, Editura Scrisul Romanesc, Craiova, (ISBN 973-38-0214-X),1997.
• Vasile Tomita, Stuparu Dragos, Grecu Luminita, „Matematica” , Ed. Hermes, Dr. Tr. Severin, (ISBN 973-96999-5-2), 1996.

Lucrări stiintifice:
L. Grecu, „Considerations about Using Truncation Method to Treat the Singularities when Solving with Higher Order Boundary Elements the Boundary Integral Equation of the Compressible Fluid Flow”, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science Year: 2012 Vol: 2197 Issue: 1, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering.
L. Grecu, „Aspects about using multi-criteria decision models for making decisions regarding environmental quality and protection”, Advances in Engineering & Management, ADEM 2012, Editura Universitaria Craiova, 2012, pg143-146
L. Grecu, „A Solution of the Singular Boundary Integral Equation of the compressible Fluid Flow Around Obstacles with Cubic Boundary Elements”, International Congress in Honour of Professor H. M. Srivastava, 23-26 August 2012, Bursa Turkey, Abstract Booklet, pg 53.
L. Grecu, Linear Boundary Elements for Solving the Nonsingular Boundary Integral Equation of the Fluid Flow around Obstacles, Acta Universitatis Apulensis, Mathematics-Informatics, Special Issue: ICTAMI 2011, pg 501-512.
L. Grecu, V. Grecu, „Considerations about the direct and indirect techniques in BEM applied to the compressible fluid flow”, 1st International Conference ADEM, Dr. Tr. Severin, mai 2010.
• V.Grecu; L.Grecu, “Design of a Training and Rehabilitation Upper Limb Orthesis with Actuators”, Annals of DAAAM for 2010 & Proceedings of the 21st INTERNATIONAL DAAAM SYMPOSIUM, ISSN 1726-9679.
• I Vladimirescu, L Grecu, “A Direct BEM with Higher Order Boundary Elements for the Compressible Fluid Flow around Smooth Obstacles”, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science: Proceedings of The International Conference on Engineering Mathematics, in World Congress on Engineering 2010, pp 1711-1716, ISSN: 2078-0958.
• I Vladimirescu, L Grecu, “Weakening the Singularities for their Numerical Evaluation when Applying BEM for 2D Compressible Fluid Flow”, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science: Proceedings of The International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2010, pp 2224-2229, ISSN: 2078-0958.
Grecu L; Grecu V; Demian G; Demian M, ” Simulations based on Noise Maps for Machinery Location at Workplace in Order to Avoid Noise Pollution”, Annals of DAAAM for 2009 & Proceedings of the 20th INTERNATIONAL DAAAM SYMPOSIUM, 25-28th November 2009, ISSN 1726-9679.
L.Grecu, V.Grecu, M.Demian, G.Demian, „A Complex Variable Boundary Element Method for the Flow around Objects”, International Conference on Engineering Mathematics (ICAEM 09) in World Congress on Engineering
• Demian M, Demian G, Grecu L., Grecu V., Flow Studies on Pipes Working on High Temperature and Pressure, pag 1653-1654, Annals of DAAAM for 2009 & Proceedings of the 20th INTERNATIONAL DAAAM SYMPOSIUM
L Grecu, G Demian, M Demian, „Two boundary element approaches for the compressible fluid flow around a non-lifting body” , Buletinul StiinŃific al UniversităŃii Politehnica Bucuresti, seria A Matematică-Fizică Aplicată, Vol.71, Iss.1, 2009.
Grecu L, Grecu V., Demian M., Demian G., „The influence of welding parameters on the temperature distribution in case of electron beam welding”, in DAAAM Scientific Book 2009, Vol. 8, Cap 5, pag 035-044.
Grecu L, Grecu V, Demian G, Demian M., A Mathematical and Numerical Approach of the Non-Stationary Temperature Field in case of the Action of an Electron Beam on a Material; Recent Advances in Engineering Mechanics, Structures and engineering Geology, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Engineering Mechanics, Structures and Engineering Geology Greece, 2009, pag 214-220.
• Demian G, Demian M, Grecu L, Grecu V, Simulation of Temperature Field on Steels during Laser Hardening; Recent Advances in Engineering Mechanics, Structures and engineering Geology, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Engineering Mechanics, Structures and Engineering Geology Greece, 2009, pag 229-233.
• Demian G, Demian M, Grecu L, Grecu V, Non-Destructive Tests to Determine Lifetime of the Pipes; Recent Advances in Engineering Mechanics, Structures and engineering Geology, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Engineering Mechanics, Structures and Engineering Geology Greece, 2009, pag 220-224.
Grecu L, Grecu V, “Aspects about treating integrals of singular kernels when applying BEM to solve 3D problems of fluid flow”, Recent Advances in Continuum Mechanics Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Continuum Mechanics (CM’09), Cambridge, 2009, pag 46-49.
• G Demian, M Demian, L Grecu, V Grecu , “Studies about Noise Pollution in Urban Areas” , Recent Advances in Acoustic & Music: Theory & Applications, pag 87-92, Proceedings of the10th International Conference on Acoustics & Music: Theory & Applications (AMTA '09), Praga, 2009.
• M Demian, G Demian, L Grecu, V Grecu, “Influence of the Heat Treatment and the Ultrasonic Waves Attenuation at the 34MoCrNi14 Steel10”, Recent Advances in Acoustic & Music: Theory & Applications, pag 79-83, Proceedings of the10th International Conference on Acoustics & Music: Theory & Applications (AMTA '09), Praga 2009.
L Grecu, I Vladimirescu “BEM with Linear Boundary Elements for Solving the Problem of the 3D Compressible Fluid Flow around Obstacles”, Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2009, vol II, pag. 2174-2178, Hong Kong, 2009.
Grecu L “A Numerical approach with vortex distribution for the fluid flow around different types of airfoils” , Review of Industrial Engineering, nr2/2008, pag. 37-41.
L Grecu, G Demian, M Demian, ”Modelarea proceselor termice la sudarea cu fascicul de electroni a oŃelurilor aliate”, Proceedings of International Conference: Innovative Technologies for Joining Advanced Materials; Conference organised with the support of National Authority for Scientific Resarch, 12-13 iunie. 2008, Timisoara, România, pag 190-196.
L. Grecu, G. Demian, M. Demian, S. Savu, “ Studiul energetic si evaluarea câmpului termic la suprafaŃa suportului din aliaj de titan la încărcarea cu fascicul de electroni” Simpozionul: Ingineria suprafeŃelor, 4 sept. 2008, ISIM, Timisoara.
• M Demian; L Grecu; G. Demian: Modelarea procesului termic la sudarea cu fascicule concentrate de energie a otelurilor aliate, rezistente la uzura, Conferinta ASR Sudura 2008 „NoutăŃi în domeniul materialelor, echipamentelor si proceselor de sudare”, 17-19 septembrie 2008, Buzău.
Grecu L, Petrila T, „A numerical approximation of the free-surface heavy inviscid flow past a body”, Buletinul Academiei de StiinŃe Repub. Moldova, Matematică, nr 3/2008, pag 67-75.
L Grecu: ”Solving the Problem of the Compressible Fluid Flow around Obstacles by an Indirect Approach with Vortex Distribution and Linear Boundary Elements”, Wseas Transaction on Mathematics, Issue 7, Volume 7, July, 2008.
L Grecu, I Vladimirescu, “About some techniques of Improving Numerical Solutions Accuracy when Applying BEM”, International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol2/2008, Issue3, pag 264-273.
• G. Demian, M. Demian, L. Grecu, V. Grecu: „Tribological testing on the steel hardening with laser”, International Symposium Friction, Wear and Wear Protection; Deutsche Gesellschaft fur material kunde e. V. DGM, Aachen, 9-11 Apr 2008, Abstracts, pag 46.
L Grecu, ”An indirect boundary element method with vortex distribution and linear boundary elements for the compressible fluid flow around obstacles”, Advances in Applied Mathematics, Systems, Communications and Computers, pag 50-55, a North Atlantic University Union Conference, Marathon Beach, Attica, Greece, June 1-3, 2008.
L. Grecu, Gabriela Demian, Mihai Demian, ”Different Kinds of Boundary Elements for Solving the Problem of the Compressible Fluid Flow around Bodies-a Comparison Study”, The 2008 International Conference of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, London, 2-4 July, 2008, in Lecture notes in Engineering and Computer Science, pag. 972-977.
Grecu L; Demian G; Demian M, ”A Mathematical Approach of the Temperature Field in Case of Electron Beam Welding”, Annals of DAAAM for 2008 & Proceedings of the 19th INTERNATIONAL DAAAM SYMPOSIUM, October 2008, pag 280-281.
L Grecu: ”The Influence of different Sources of Errors when Applying BEM to the Compressible Fluid Flow around Obstacles”, Recent advances in Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering (MACMESE'08), Bucharest, 2008, pag 368-373.
• M Demian, G Demian and L Grecu: ”Investigation with Ultrasonic Waves to Determine Metallic Materials Properties”, Recent Advances in Materials Science, 2008, pag 86-89, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Materials Science, Bucharest, 2008.
Grecu L: ”Error Analysis when Boundary Element Method is Used to Solve the Problem of the Compressible Fluid Flow Around Obstacles”, The XVIth Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics, CAIM 2008, Oradea, October 9-12, 2008
L Grecu, G Demian, M Demian, ”Modelarea proceselor termice la sudarea cu fascicul de electroni a oŃelurilor aliate”, Proceedings of International Conference: Innovative Technologies for Joining Advanced Materials; Conference organised by ISIM, Academia Română de StiinŃe tehnice, Univ. Politehnica Timisoara, cu sprijinul ANCS, 12-13 iunie. 2008, Timisoara, pag 190-196.
L Grecu, "A Boundary Element Approach for the Compressible flow Around Obstacles", Acta Universitatis Apulensis, Mathematics-Informatics, No 15/2008, pag 195-213.
L Grecu, Petrila T, "A Complex Variable Boundary Element Method for the Problem of the Free-surface Heavy Inviscid flow over an obstacle", General Mathematics nr 2 /2008.
L Grecu, V Grecu, G Demian, M Demian, „A Mathematical Study for Choosing the Best Material when Many Criteria of Different Importance are Involved”, Scientific Bulletin of the "Politehnica" University of Timisoara Transactions on Mechanics, Tom 52 (66), Fasc.2. 2007, pag 87-92.
• G Demian, L Cazacu, M Demian, L Grecu, „Laser remelting densification of composite layers with hard carbides and matrix nickel”, Scientific Bulletin of the "Politehnica" University of Timisoara Transactions on Mechanics, Tom 52 (66), Fasc.2. 2007, pag 29-32.
L Grecu, "Using short stubs for matching the impedance of a network to the impedance of a transmission line-analytical solution and computer code", International Conference on Economic Engineering and Manufacturing Systems, Transilvania University of Brasov, 2007, published in Recent Journal, vol.8(2007), No.3b(21b), pag.492-497.
L Grecu, "A Direct Boundary Element Approach with Linear Boundary Elements for the Compressible Fluid Flow around Obstacles”, The XVth Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics CAIM 2007, published in ROMAI JOURNAL, Vol 3, nr.2, 2007, pag 141-151.
L Grecu, Valentin Grecu, Gabriela Demian, Mihai Demian, „Mathematical Models and Computer Codes for Choosing the Best Material Making a Multicriteria Decision”, MicroCAD 2007 International Scientific conference, Section D, pag 153-159.
• M Demian, G Demian, L Grecu, V Grecu, „Method to Determine the Relibility for Thermoelectric Power Station”, MicroCAD 2007 International Scientific conference, Section E: Fluid and Heat Engineering, pag 35-40.
Grecu L, „Aspects about the evaluation of the singularities when applying the boundary element method to solve problems of fluid flow around bodies”, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, series B, Tom 13(48), 2006, pag 159-169.
Grecu L, „The boundary element method with linear boundary elements for the Stokes flow”, Acta Universitatis Apulensis, Mathematics-Informatics no 11/2006 pag 139-148.
Grecu L, „Linear boundary elements for evaluating the fluid action over the obstacle for the Stokes flow”, Proceedings of the MicroCAD 2006 International Scientific Conference, Section G: Mathematics and Computer Science, pag 37-42.
Grecu L, „A new boundary element approach for the Stokes flow”, Proceedings of the MicroCAD 2005 International Scientific Conference, Section G, pag63-68.
Grecu L, „ A boundary element approach for evaluating the fluid action over the obstacle for the Stokes flow”, Proceedings of the MicroCAD 2005 International Scientific Conference, Section G, pg 69-72.
Grecu L, „The Collocation Method for evaluating the fluid action over an obstacle for the Stokes flow””, International Multidisciplinary Symposium „Universitaria Simpro 2006”, Petrosani, 2006, seria Matematică-Informatică si Fizică, pag. 11-14, Ed. Universitas, Petrosani.
Grecu L, „The Truncation Method for Treating the singularities when solving the singular boundary integral equation of the infinite span airfoil”, International Multidisciplinary Symposium „Universitaria Simpro 2005”, Petrosani, seria Matematică-Informatică si Fizică, pag. 23-26, Ed. Universitas, Petrosani.
Grecu L, „The Subsonic Compressible Fluid Flow around Jukovsky Profiles”, Review of Industrial Engineering, No.1, Vol.1, 2005, pag 35-40.
Grecu L, „A Solution of the Boundary Integral Equation of the 2D Fluid Flow around Bodies using Quadratic Isoparametric Boundary Elements”, The 13th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics, Pitesti, 2005, published in ROMAI JOURNAL, vol 2, nr.2, 2006, pag 81-88.
Grecu L, „Treating the singularities that appear when applying the boundary element method for solving the bidmensional fluid flow around bodies”, A XIX Sesiune de Comunicări StiinŃifice cu participare internaŃională „NAV.Mar.Edu 2005”, ConstanŃa 2 - 4 iunie 2005.
Grecu L, „A Solution of the Boundary Integral Equation of the Three –Dimensional Airfoil in Subsonic Flow using Linear Boundary Elements”, The 12th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics, Pitesti, 2004, ROMAI JOURNAL, Vol 1, Nr. 2, 2005, pg. 101-107.
Grecu L, „InfluenŃa compresibilităŃii în miscarea subsonică a fluidelor ideale în jurul corpurilor portante”, A VIII-A ConferinŃă Anuală A SocietăŃii de StiinŃe Matematice din România, Ploiesti, 20-23 mai 2004.
Grecu L, „A Solution of the Boundary Integral Equation of the Theory of the Infinite Span Airfoil in Subsonic Flow with Linear Boundary Elements”, Analele Univ. Bucuresti, Mat., Anul LII,Nr. 2(2003), pp.181-188.
Grecu L, „Despre obtinerea formularilor integrale pe frontiera”, Simpozionul National „Zilele Universitatii Georghe Anghel”, 23-25 aprilie 2004, Dr. Tr. Severin, pag. 128-132.
Grecu L., Bălă D. „Exploatarea simetriilor in aplicarea metodei elementelor de frontiera la rezolvarea problemelor bidimensionale”, Simpozionul National „Zilele Universitatii Georghe Anghel”, 23-25 aprilie 2004, Dr. Tr. Severin, pag. 133-136.
• Bălă D., Grecu L., „Sisteme autoadjuncte”, Simpozionul National „Zilele Universitatii Georghe Anghel”, 23-25 aprilie 2004, Dr. Tr. Severin, pag. 120-123.
Grecu L, „Asupra inegalitatii mediilor”, Revista de Matematica MehedinŃeană (R.M.M), Nr. 1/2003, pag 19-21.
Grecu L, „Ridicarea la putere a unor matrici diagonalizabile”, Revista de Matematica MehedinŃeană (R.M.M.), Nr. 1/2003, pag 10-14.
Grecu L, „Aspecte legate de calculul numeric al integralelor improprii”, Simpozionul National „Zilele Universitatii Georghe Anghel”, 16-17 mai 2003, Dr. TR. Severin, pag. 166-170.
Grecu L, Patrascoiu C, „Evaluarea unor integrale singulare ce apar în aplicarea metodei elementelor de frontiera”, A 7- a Conferinta Anuala a S.S.M.R., Bistrita- Nasaud, 22-24 mai 2003.
• Patrascoiu C, Grecu L, „Automorfisme ale unui fibrat de obiecte geometrice”, A 7-a Conferinta Anuala a S.S.M.R., Bistrita- Nasaud, 22-24 mai 2003.
Grecu L, „Utilizarea funcŃiilor analitice în rezolvarea ecuatiilor integrale”, Analele Univ. din Craiova, Nr 1/1999, pag. 4–9.
Grecu L., „Metode de obtinere a ecuatiilor cu elemente finite în mecanica fluidelor”, Simpozionul NaŃional „Zilele Universitare Severinene”, 1995
Grecu L, „Asupra unor metode de rezolvare a ecuatiei integro-diferentiale a lui Prandtl”, Simpozionul NaŃional „Zilele Universitare Severinene”, 1994

Scoli de vară:

• Scoala de vara internationala „Caracteristic p- Methods in Algebraic Geometry” (p–metode caracteristice in geometria algebrica), Dr. Tr. Severin, 13-19 iulie 2007. Organizatori: filiala MH a SSMR si Institutul de Matematica al Academiei Romane.

Apartenenta la societati stiintifice si profesionale, premii, nominalizari, alte activitati profesionale:
• Membru al Societatii de Stiinte Matematice din Romania – SSMR
• Membru al Societatii Romane de Matematica Aplicata si Industriala – ROMAI
• Membru IAENG (International Association of Engineering)
• Numeroase premii si distinctii la Olimpiadele si Concursurile Nationale si Interjudetene de Matematica (1982-1988).
• Profesor de matematica la Colegiul „Gh. Titeica” din Drobeta Turnu Severin, 1993-1997.

Activitate didactica


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