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[1] M. Predoi, D. Constantinescu, M. Racilǎ Teme de calcul diferenţial Editura Sitech Craiova, 2000, ISBN 973-8025-43-5 Reeditata Editura Sitech Craiova, 2003, ISBN 973-657-406-7 [2] M. Predoi, D. Constantinescu, M. Racilǎ Teme de calcul integral Editura Sitech Craiova, 2000, ISBN 973-8025-88-5 Reeditata Editura Sitech Craiova 2003, ISBN 973-657-407-5 [3] D. Constantinescu Equations Differentielles-chapitres de mathematiques superiures Editura Universitaria Craiova, 2003, ISBN 973-8043-320-0 [4] D. Constantinescu Haos, Fractali si Aplicaţii Seria Matematicǎ Aplicatǎ şi Industrialǎ, Univ. Piteşti Editura TheFlower-Power Piteşti, 2003, ISBN 973-85785-5-8 Recenzatǎ Mathematical Review, nr. 201 38 57 [5] M. Predoi, D. Constantinescu, M. Racilǎ Teme de Analizǎ Matematicǎ. Teorie şi Aplicaţii Editura Universitaria Craiova 2008, ISBN 978-606-510-233-0 [6] D. Constantinescu Ecuatii diferentiale, elemente teoretice si aplicatii Editura Universitaria Craiova 2010, ISBN 978-606-510-847-9 [7] D. Constantinescu Matematici Speciale: manual universitar pentru invatamant cu frecventa redusa Editura Universitaria Craiova 2012, ISBN 978-606-14-0410-0
Articole ştiinţifice:
a) Articole publicate in reviste cotate ISI:
[1] Misguich J. H., Reuss J.D., Weyssow B., Constantinescu D., Steibrecher G., Balescu R., M. Vlad, Spineanu F Noble Cantor sets acting as partial internal transport barriers in fusion plasmasPlasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 44/2002, pp. L29-L35 http://iopscience.iop.org/0741-3335/44/7 [2] E. Petrisor, J. Misguich, D. Constantinescu Reconnection in a global model of Poincare map describing the magnetic field lines in a reversed shear tokamak Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 18 2003, pp. 1085-1099 [3] Misguich J. H. , Reuss J. D., Weysow B., D.Constantinescu, Steinbrecher G., Balescu R., M. Vlad, Spineanu F. Noble internal transport barriers and radial subdiffusion of toroidal magnetic lines Annales de Physique 28 (2003) N°6, pp. 1-101 [4] D.Constantinescu, R. Constantinescu Transport barriers and diffusion phenomena for the magnetic field lines in Tokamak”, Physica Scripta , T118 (2005), pp. 244-250 http://iopscience.iop.org/1402-4896/2005/T118 [5] O. Dumbrajs,V. Igochine, D. Constantinescu, H. Zohm, and ASDEX Upgrade team Stochastization as a possible cause of fast reconnection in the frequently interrupted regime of neoclassical tearing modes Physics of Plasmas 12 (2005), issue 11, 110704 (4 pages) http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v12/i11 (citat 5 ori) [6] Constantinescu D., Misguich J. H., Petrisor E., Pavlenko I. Internal Transport Barriers in some Hamiltonian systems modeling the magnetic lines dynamics in tokamak", Journal of Physics, Conference series 7 (2005), pp. 233-238 http://iopscience.iop.org/1742-6596/7/1 [7] Igochine V., Dumbrajs O., Constantinescu D., Zohm Z., Zvejnieks G. and ASDEX-Upgrade team Stochastization as a possible cause for fast reconnection during MHD mode activity in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak, Nuclear Fusion, 46 (2006), pp 741-751 http://iopscience.iop.org/0029-5515/46/7 doi: 10.1088/0029-5515/46/7/006 [8] D Constantinescu, O Dumbrajs, V Igochine, B Weyssow On the accuracy of some mapping techniques used to study the magnetic field dynamics in tokamaks Nuclear Fusion 48 (2008) 024017 (9pp)
http://iopscience.iop.org/0029-5515/48/2 doi: 10.1088/0029-5515/48/2/024017
[9] Y. Kominis, K. Hizanidis, D. Constantinescu, O. Dumbrajs,
Explicit near-symplectic mappings of Hamiltonian systems with Lie-generating functions,
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008) 115202.
http://iopscience.iop.org/1751-8121/41/11/115202/ doi: 10.1088/1751-8113/41/11/115202 [10] D Constantinescu
Anticontrol techniques for systems of Lorenz type,
Romanian Journal of Physics, vol 53, nr 9-10/2008, pp99-106
http://www.nipne.ro/rjp/2008_53_9-10/1069_1076.pdf [11] G. Tigan, D. Constantinescu, Heteroclinic orbits in the T and the Lü systems
Chaos,Solitons and Fractals 42 (2009) 20–23
Doi: 10.1016/j.chaos.2008.10.024 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=PublicationURL&_tockey=%23TOC%235300%232009%23999579998%231295051%23FLA%23&_cdi=5300&_pubType=J&_auth=y&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=2ba49c9264077c37f257af7109b3d68c [12] M. Negrea, I. Petrisor, D. Constantinescu, Aspects of the diffusion of electrons and ions in tokamak plasma Romanian Journal of Physics, vol 55, nr 9-10/2010, pp 1013-1024 http://www.nipne.ro/rjp/2010_55_9-10/1013_1024.pdf [13] D. Constantinescu, M. Negrea, I. Petrisor The study of the sawtooth oscillations in tokamaks using mapping models Romanian Journal of Physics, vol 55, nr 9-10/2010, pp 0951-0960 http://www.nipne.ro/rjp/2010_55_9-10/0951_0961.pdf [14] M.-C. Firpo, D. Constantinescu, Study of the interplay between magnetic shear and resonances using Hamiltonian models for the magnetic field lines, Physics of Plamas 18, 032506 ,2011 http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v18/i3?&page=2 doi:10.1063/1.3562493_ [15] D. Constantinescu, O. Dumbrajs, V. Igochine, K. Lackner, R. Meyer-Spasche, H. Zohm, and ASDEX Upgrade Team, A low-dimensional model system for quasi-periodic plasma perturbations, Physics of Plasmas 18, 062307 (2011) doi:10.1063/1.3600209 [16] Andrejs Reinfelds, Olgerts Dumbrajs, Harijs Kalis, Jānis Cepītis, Dana Constantinescu, Numerical Experiments with Single Mode Gyrotron Equations, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (Print ISSN: 1392-6292), Volume 17 Number 2 (2012), pp. 251-270, http://dx.doi.org/10.3846/13926292.2012.662659 [17] Constantinescu, D. & Firpo, M.-C., Modifying locally the safety profile to improve the confinement of magnetic field lines in tokamak plasmas, Nuclear Fusion 52, 054006 (2012). http://iopscience.iop.org/0029-5515/52/5/054006/pdf/0029-5515_52_5_054006.pdf doi:10.1088/0029-5515/52/5/054006 [18] Constantinescu D. & Firpo M-C. Localizing transport barriers in degenerate 3/2 D.O.F. Hamiltonian systems with applications to magnetic confinement fusion, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol 23, No 2 (2013), 1350034 http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/pdf/10.1142/S021812741350034X doi:10.1142/S021812741350034X
b. Articole publicate in reviste internaţionale: [1] D. Constantinescu, M. Negrea, N. Pometescu, G. Steinbrecher, On the particle diffusion in an electromagnetic fluctuating field, Journal of Technical Physics no. 37/1996, pp. 477-483 [2] D. Constantinescu, M. Predoi, The attractors of some Contractive Dynamical Processes International Journal of Chaos Theory and Applications, vol4,nr4/1999, pp. 5-15 http://neurolab.ing.unirc.it/chaos/ [3] D. Constantinescu, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics in Non-Autonomous Hamiltonian Systems Bulgarian Journal of Physics, 33 (2006) pp 800-809 [4] D. Constantinescu, G. Tigan, Exact solutions to a family of Fitzhugh-Nagumo type equations, Matematicki Bilten 31 (LVII), 2007 (61–68), Skopje, Makedonija [5] D. Constantinescu, Gunnar Stefansson, On building a web-based university, U.S. China Educational Review, ISSN 1548-6613, USA, December 2010, volume 7 no.12 (http://www.teacher.org.cn/edu201012.htm )
c) Articole publicate in reviste nationale: [1] D. Constantinescu On the temporal generic properties of continuous dynamical systems Analele Facultǎţii de Matematicǎ-Informaticǎ Craiova, 1995, pp 33-42 [2] D. Constantinescu The loss of information in chaotic dynamical systems Analele Facultǎţii de Matematicǎ-Informaticǎ Craiova, 1997, pp 62-72 [3] D. Constantinescu, M. Predoi An extension of the Banch fixed point theorem and some applications in the theory of dynamical systems Studia Univ. Babeş Bolyai, Mathematica, vol XLIV, nr. 4/1999, pp.3-14 [4] D. Constantinescu Chaotic processes in tokamak Buletinul Stiinţific al Universitǎţii Piteşti, 1999, pp.155-158 [5] D. Constantinescu, M. Racilǎ Using MAPLEV in computer modeling of complex systems Buletinul ştiinţific al Universitǎţii Piteşti, 1999, pp 159-164 [6] D. Constantinescu, M. Negrea, I. Petrisor, N. Pometescu: On the perturbation of the q-profile Physics AUC vol 10/2000, pp. 66-69[7] M. Negrea, I. Petrisor, D. Constantinescu N. Pometescu: On the non-symmetric diffusion tensor componentsPhysics AUC, vol 10/2000, pp. 70-74 [8] N. Pometescu , M. Negrea, I. Petrisor, D. Constantinescu N. Pometescu: Interference between turbulence effects and neoclassical effects in the entropy production Physics AUC, vol 10/2000, pp. 75-94 [9] D. Constantinescu, M. Negrea, I. Petrisor, N. Pometescu: On the chaotic magnetic field lines’ behavior: the computation of the flux through a Cantorus Physics AUC, vol 10/2000, pp. 95-100[10] D.Constantinescu, J. H. Misguich , J. D. Reuss: The study of the breaking-up process of a KAM barrier in the Tokamap modelPhysics AUC vol 12/2002, pp. 78-87[13] D. Constantinescu, B. Weyssow: Hidden geometrical aspects in the dynamics of nonywist maps, Physics AUC, vol 14/2004, 151-161[14] Constantinescu D., Non-linear dynamics and the structure of the magnetic field in tokamak Rom. J. Phys. 50, no. 3-4 (2005), pp 325-336 [15] D. Constantinescu, J. H. Misguich, J-D Reuss, B. Weyssow The influence of the safety factor on the formation of the internal transport barriers, Physics AUC vol 17 (2007) pp 190-200
Articole publicate în volumele unor conferinţe
[1] D. Constantinescu, M. Negrea On the stability of some dynamical systems Proc. of EPAC 94, London, World Scientific, 1994, pp. 1081-1083 [2] D. Constantinescu, R. Constantinescu Quantization of the relativistic particle in electromagnetic field Proc. of EPAC 94, London, World Scientific, 1994, pp. 1342-1344 [3] D. Constantinescu On the influence of some numerical methods in the study of the dynamical systems Proc. of EPAC 96, Barcelona, World Scientific, 1996, pp 1441-1443 [4] D. Constantinescu, R. Constantinescu, M. Negrea The relativistic particle in a fluctuating electromagnetic field Proc. of EPAC 96, Barcelona, World Scientific, 1996, pp 1444-1445 [5] D. Constantinescu, R. Constantinescu Ergodicity and chaos in multiple light reflection Proceedings of SPIE, vol 2461, 1997, pp.261-265 [6] D. Constantinescu, B. Weyssow Order and chaos in Hamiltonian systems of interest in plasma physics Published in the volume “The logistic map and the Route to Chaos, editors M. Ausloos, M. Diricks, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006, ISBN-10 3-540-28366-9, pp. 385-406 [8] T. Balan, D. Constantinescu, Gh. Manolea, J. Neaca: Cercetari privind reducerea continutului de armonici din sistemele de actionare electrica prin comanda acestora Proceedings of the International Symposium, Universitaria ROPET 2001,, 263-266 [9] Bucur L, Constantinescu D., Hatulescu R. Mathematical models for the transmission of some epidemic diseases Proceedings of “First East European Conference on Health Care Modelling and Computation, Craiova 2005, pp 57-72 [10] D. Constantinescu On the use of the fractional calculus in the study of the diffusion phenomena, Proceedings of “The 16-th Symposium of mathematics and its applications Timisoara 2-5 noiembrie 2006, pp 98-104 [11] D. Constantinescu, G. Stefansson, The tutor-web, a step toward building an active web-based university, Proceedings of the 5-th Scientific Conference :eLearning and Software for Education”, Bucharest April 09-10 2009, pp 273-280 (Carol I National Defence University Publishing House, ISSN 2066-026X) [12] D. Constantinescu, Dynamical Systems with memory effects. Applications in fusion plasma physics, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference 2009 - Dynamical Systems and Applications, June 15-18 Constantza, Romania pp pp165-173 (Ovidius University Annals Series, Civil Engineering, Vol 1. Special Issue 13, ISSN 1584-5990)
[1] T. Balan, D. Constantinescu Remarks on linear horistologies Proceedings of the IV-th Symposium of Mathematics and Applications, Technical University of Timişoara, 1991, pp. 43-49 [2] D. Constantinescu, R. Moga Chaos and fractals in numerical analysis Proceedings of the 6-th Symposium of Mathematics and Applications, Timişoara 1997, pp. 83-88 [3] D. Constantinescu, R. Moga Metode numerice pentru observarea complexitǎţii orbitelor unui system dynamic Proceedings of the Annual Conference of SSM, Bucureşti, 1997, pp. 223-229 [4] D. Constantinescu Proprietǎţi topologice ale atractorilor Proceedings of the Annual Conference of SSM, Bucureşti, 1997, pp. 125-130 [5] D. Constantinescu, R. Moga Shadowing properties and numerical methods Proceedings of the 7-th Symposium of Mathematics and Applications, Timişoara, 1997, pp. 85-90 [6] D. Constantinescu, R. Moga Asupra proprietǎţilor dinamice ale unor metode numerice Proceedings of the 3-th Conference of SSM, Craiova, 1999, pp. 46-51 [7] D. Constantinescu Sisteme dinamice aleatoare cu aplicaţii în studiul dinamicii populaţiilor Proceedings of the 5-th Conference of SSM, Braşov 2001, pp/71-77 [8] D. Constantinescu Modelarea difuziei liniilor de camp magnetic în tokamak cu ajutorul sistemelor Hamiltoniene Proceedings of the 6-th Conference of SSM, Sibiu 2002, pp. 295-302
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