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Physics AUC Journal

Professor Ph.D. Constantin BIZDADEA


General Information
Curriculum Vitae

Current Teaching Activities
Scientific Research Activities
Additional Information


At present, professor at
The University of Craiova
Faculty of Physics
13 Al. I. Cuza Str.
Craiova 200585, Romania

Office: C131, Central Building
Tel./Fax: +40 251 415077
E-mail address: bizdadea at central.ucv.ro



DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: 30.05.1961, Macin, Tulcea County, Romania


Graduate:1981-1985, at the University of Craiova, Faculty of Natural Sciences, section Physics, specialization Physics

Postgraduate: 1985-1986, at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, section Physics, specialization Nuclear Physics

PhD:1992-1996, at the University of Craiova, fundamental domain Exact Sciences, domain Physics, specialization Theoretical Physics
PhD thesis: Quantization of field theories with symmetries - in Romanian



Classical Mechanics, addressed to the students in the first year from the bachelor degree studies at the Faculty of Physics, University of Craiova
Main topics: kinematics, principles of Newtonian dynamics, general theorems of classical mechanics for one point particle, general theorems of classical mechanics for a system of point particles, motion in a central field, two-body central force problem, Newtonian approximation of the gravitational interaction.

Theoretical Mechanics I, addressed to the students in the second year from the bachelor degree studies at the Faculty of Physics, University of Craiova
Main topics: Euler-Lagrange equations, constraints, Newton’s equations for systems with constraints, generalized coordinates, Lagrange equations, Noether’s Theorem, equations of motion of Hamiltonian mechanics, Poisson’s theorem.

Theoretical Mechanics II, addressed to the students in the second year from the bachelor degree studies at the Faculty of Physics, University of Craiova
Main topics: arbitrary phase-space coordinate transformations, canonical transformations, Hamilton-Jacobi method, separation of variables in the Hamilton-Jacobi method.

Hamiltonian BRST symmetry, addressed to the students in the first year from the master degree studies in Theoretical Physics at the University of Craiova
Main topics: graded differential algebras, resolutions, main theorem of homological perturbations, BRST symmetry in the irreducible case, dynamics of the ghosts, gauge-fixed action, BRST symmetry in field theory.



Research domains: Theoretical Physics, Mathematical Physics

Research topics:

  • BRST quantization of second-class constrained systems
  • Irreducible BRST quantization of reducible gauge theories
  • Construction of consistent interactions in gauge field theory
  • Extended BRST symmetries
  • Mixed symmetry tensor fields
  • Topological BF models
  • Irreducible approach to reducible second-class constraints
  • Interactions in gravitational models


In ISI rated journals

  1. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, The BRST quantization of second-class constrained systems, Nuclear Physics B456 (1995) 473-493
  2. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, The Hamiltonian BRST formalism for massive Abelian vector fields, Europhysics Letters 32 (1995) 307-312
  3. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, The BRST quantization of massive Abelian two-form gauge fields, Physics Letters B368 (1996) 202-208
  4. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, Extravariables in the BRST quantization of second-class constrained systems. Existence theorems, Nuclear Physics B469 (1996) 302-332
  5. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, A note on the BRST quantization of "reducible" second-class constrained systems, Europhysics Letters 35 (1996) 567-572
  6. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, The antifield BRST-anti-BRST quantization of massive and nonmassive Abelian three-form gauge fields, International Journal of Modern Physics A11 (1996) 3523-3547
  7. C. Bizdadea, The Hamiltonian BRST quantization of massive Abelian p-form gauge fields, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 29 (1996) 3985-3991
  8. C. Bizdadea, Some remarks on the BRST quantization of massive Abelian two-form gauge fields, Physical Review D53 (1996) 7138-7142
  9. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, The BRST quantization of first-order systems, Helvetica Physica Acta 70 (1997) 590-597
  10. C. Bizdadea, S. Balan, S. O. Saliu, A covariant BRST approach of self-dual p-forms without extrafields, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 30 (1997) 5997-6007
  11. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, Irreducible antifield analysis of p-form gauge theories, Physics Letters B425 (1998) 97-103
  12. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, A note on "irreducible" p-form gauge theories with Stueckelberg coupling, Europhysics Letters 41 (1998) 129-134
  13. C. Bizdadea, M. Iordache, S. O. Saliu, E. N. Timneanu, An irreducible BRST approach of topological Yang-Mills theory, Helvetica Physica Acta 71 (1998) 262-273
  14. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, E. N. Timneanu, On the irreducible BRST quantization of spin-5/2 gauge fields, Classical and Quantum Gravity 15 (1998) 501-507
  15. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, Irreducible antifield formalism for reducible constrained Hamiltonian systems, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 31 (1998) 8805-8822
  16. C. Bizdadea, M. G. Mocioaca, S. O. Saliu, Extrafields in the BRST quantization of self-dual p-form generalisation to massive Chern-Simons theory, Nuovo Cimento B114 (1999) 611-620
  17. C. Bizdadea, I. Negru, S. O. Saliu, Irreducible antifield BRST-anti-BRST formalism for reducible gauge theories, International Journal of Modern Physics A14 (1999) 359-386
  18. C. Bizdadea, I. Negru, S. O. Saliu, Irreducible Hamiltonian BRST analysis of Stueckelberg coupled p-form gauge theories, Classical and Quantum Gravity 16 (1999) 225-243
  19. C. Bizdadea, I. Negru, S. O. Saliu, Irreducible Hamiltonian approach to the Freedman-Townsend model, International Journal of Modern Physics A14 (1999) 2537-2550
  20. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, Irreducible antifield-BRST approach to reducible gauge theories, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 32 (1999) 3919-3929
  21. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, Irreducible Hamiltonian BRST approach to topologically coupled Abelian forms, Physica Scripta 60 (1999) 120-130
  22. C. Bizdadea, M. G. Mocioaca, S. O. Saliu, On the ‘irreducible’ Freedman-Townsend vertex, Physics Letters B459 (1999) 145-149
  23. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, Massive Yang-Mills theory with no Dirac bracket, Nuovo Cimento A112 (1999) 1033-1039
  24. C. Bizdadea, L. Saliu, S. O. Saliu, On Chapline-Manton couplings: a cohomological approach, Physica Scripta 61 (2000) 307-310
  25. C. Bizdadea, L. Saliu, S. O. Saliu, Chapline-Manton interaction vertices and Hamiltonian BRST cohomology, International Journal of Modern Physics A15 (2000) 893-903
  26. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, Irreducible Hamiltonian BRST symmetry for reducible first-class systems, International Journal of Modern Physics A15 (2000) 3001-3017
  27. C. Bizdadea, A. Constantin, S. O. Saliu, Note on irreducible approach to reducible second-class constraints, Europhysics Letters 50 (2000) 169-174
  28. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, Freedman-Townsend vertex from Hamiltonian BRST cohomology, Classical and Quantum Gravity 17 (2000) 2007-2016
  29. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, Consistent Hamiltonian interactions: the example of Yang-Mills theories, Physica Scripta 62 (2000) 261-267
  30. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, Irreducible Hamiltonian BRST-anti-BRST symmetry for reducible systems, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 33 (2000) 6901-6923
  31. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, I. Negru, S. O. Saliu, Cohomological derivation of the couplings between an Abelian gauge field and matter fields, Annalen der Physik 10 (2001) 415-427
  32. C. Bizdadea, On the cohomological derivation of topological Yang-Mills theory, Europhysics Letters 52 (2000) 123-129
  33. C. Bizdadea, Note on two-dimensional nonlinear gauge theories, Modern Physics Letters A15 (2000) 2047-2055
  34. C. Bizdadea, L. Saliu, S. O. Saliu, Two-dimensional nonlinear gauge theories from Hamiltonian BRST cohomology, Europhysics Letters 53 (2001) 577-583
  35. C. Bizdadea, M. T. Miauta, S. O. Saliu, Hamiltonian BRST interactions in Abelian theories, The European Physical Journal C19 (2001) 191-200
  36. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, Lagrangian Sp(3) BRST symmetry for irreducible gauge theories, International Journal of Modern Physics A16 (2001) 2975-3009
  37. C. Bizdadea, M. T. Miauta, S. O. Saliu, On the Lagrangian derivation of the interactions between a Chern-Simons term and a complex scalar field, Acta Physica Polonica B32 (2001) 1225-1231
  38. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, M. T. Miauta, I. Negru, S. O. Saliu, Lagrangian cohomological couplings among vector fields and matter fields, Annalen der Physik 10 (2001) 921-933
  39. C. Bizdadea, M. T. Miauta, S. O. Saliu, Nonabelian interactions from Hamiltonian BRST cohomology, The European Physical Journal C21 (2001) 577-585
  40. C. Bizdadea, Consistent interactions in the Hamiltonian BRST formalism, Acta Physica Polonica B32 (2001) 2843-2862
  41. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, Irreducible Freedman-Townsend vertex and Hamiltonian BRST cohomology, Annalen der Physik 11 (2002) 151-161
  42. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, Hamiltonian cohomological derivation of four-dimensional nonlinear gauge theories, International Journal of Modern Physics A17 (2002) 2191-2210
  43. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, Lagrangian Sp(3) BRST symmetry for Yang-Mills theory, Modern Physics Letters A17 (2002) 269-277
  44. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, I. Negru, S. O. Saliu, Lagrangian interactions within a special class of covariant mixed-symmetry type tensor gauge fields, The European Physical Journal C27 (2003) 457-465
  45. C. Bizdadea, C. C. Ciobirca, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, S. C. Sararu, Hamiltonian BRST deformation of a class of n-dimensional BF-type theories, Journal of High Energy Physics JHEP 0301 (2003) 049
  46. C. Bizdadea, C. C. Ciobirca, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, S. C. Sararu, Four-dimensional couplings among BF and matter theories from BRST cohomology, Annalen der Physik 12 (2003) 543-571
  47. C. Bizdadea, C. C. Ciobirca, E. M. Cioroianu, I. Negru, S. O. Saliu, S. C. Sararu, Interactions of a single massless tensor field with the mixed symmetry (3,1). No-go results, Journal of High Energy Physics JHEP 0310 (2003) 019
  48. C. Bizdadea, C. C. Ciobirca, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, S. C. Sararu, Interactions of a massless tensor field with the mixed symmetry of the Riemann tensor. No-go results, The European Physical Journal C36 (2004) 253-270
  49. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, A. C. Lungu, S. O. Saliu, No multi-graviton theories in the presence of a Dirac field, Journal of High Energy Physics JHEP 0502 (2005) 016
  50. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, S. C. Sararu, Couplings of a collection of BF models to matter theories, The European Physical Journal C41 (2005) 401-420
  51. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, A. C. Lungu, No interactions for a collection of Weyl gravitons intermediated by a scalar field, International Journal of Modern Physics A21 (2006) 4083-4126
  52. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, A. C. Lungu, S. C. Sararu, No cross-interactions between the Weyl graviton and the massless Rarita-Schwinger field, Annalen der Physik 15 (2006) 416-433
  53. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, D. Cornea, S. O. Saliu, S. C. Sararu, No interactions for a collections of spin-two fields intermediated by a massive Rarita-Schwinger field, The European Physical Journal C48 (2006) 265-289
  54. C. Bizdadea, C. C. Ciobirca, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, Interactions between a massless tensor field with the mixed symmetry of the Riemann tensor and a massless vector field, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39 (2006) 10549-10564
  55. C. Bizdadea, C. C. Ciobirca, I. Negru, S. O. Saliu, Couplings between a single massless tensor field with the mixed symmetry (3,1) and one vector field, Physical Review D74 (2006) 045031
  56. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, I. Negru, S. O. Saliu, S. C. Sararu, On the generalized Freedman-Townsend model, Journal of High Energy Physics JHEP 0610 (2006) 004
  57. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, S. C. Sararu, Couplings between a collection of BF models and a set of three-form gauge fields, International Journal of Modern Physics A21 (2006) 6477-6490
  58. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, S. C. Sararu, O. Balus, An irreducible approach to second-order reducible second-class constraints, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40 (2007) 14537-14554
  59. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, D. Cornea, E. Diaconu, S. O. Saliu, S. C. Sararu, Interactions for a collection of spin-two fields intermediated by a massless p-form, Nuclear Physics B794 (2008) 442-494
  60. C. Bizdadea, D. Cornea, S. O. Saliu, No cross-interactions among different tensor fields with mixed symmetry (3,1) intermediated by a vector field, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (2008) 285202
  61. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, S. C. Sararu, M. Iordache, Four-dimensional couplings among BF and massless Rarita-Schwinger theories: a BRST cohomological approach, The European Physical Journal C58 (2008) 123-149
  62. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, I. Negru, S. O. Saliu, S. C. Sararu, O Balus, Reducible second-class constraints of order L: An irreducible approach, Nuclear Physics B812 (2009) 12-45
  63. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, A. Danehkar, M. Iordache, S. O. Saliu, S. C. Sararu, Consistent interactions of dual linearized gravity in D=5: couplings with a topological BF model, The European Physical Journal C63 (2009) 491-519
  64. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, E. M. Babalic, Dual linearized gravity in D=6 coupled to a purely spin-two field of mixed symmetry (2,2), Fortschritte der Physik 58 (2010) 341-363
  65. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, E. M. Babalic, Yes-go cross-couplings in collections of tensor fields with mixed symmetries of the type (3,1) and (2,2), International Journal of Modern Physics A25 (2010) 1211-1238

In journals of the Romanian Academy or journals indexed in international databases

  1. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, The BRST Quantization of the Massive Yang-Mills Theory, Romanian Journal of Physics 42 (1997) 443-452
  2. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, On the BRST quantization of massive Abelian gauge fields, Romanian Reports in Physics 50 (1998) 225-231
  3. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, A note on the BRST quantization of spinning particle, Romanian Reports in Physics 50 (1998) 335-341
  4. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, Hamiltonian BRST quantization of irreducible free p-forms, Romanian Journal of Physics 43 (1998) 661-672
  5. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, On the irreducible BRST symmetry for first-stage reducible gauge theories, Romanian Journal of Physics 44 (1999) 491-497
  6. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, Note on the antisymmetric tensor gauge theory, Romanian Reports in Physics 51 (1999) 353-363
  7. C. Bizdadea, Hamiltonian BRST-anti-BRST approach to Yang-Mills theory, Romanian Journal of Physics 45 (2000) 51-55
  8. C. Bizdadea, R. Constantinescu, S. O. Saliu, Sp(3) symmetry for abelian gauge fields, Romanian Journal of Physics 45 (2000) 451-457
  9. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, Irreducible Hamiltonian BRST-anti-BRST formalism for off-shell reducible theories, Romanian Journal of Physics 45 (2000) 519-529
  10. C. Bizdadea, A. Constantin, S. O. Saliu, Irreducible canonical approach to first-stage reducible second-class constraints. The example of gauge-fixed two- and one-forms with Stueckelberg coupling, Romanian Journal of Physics 45 (2000) 41-49
  11. C. Bizdadea, M. T. Miauta, S. O. Saliu, Hamiltonian BRST interactions between an abelian Chern-Simons term and a charged scalar field, Romanian Journal of Physics 46 (2001) 129-138
  12. C. Bizdadea, C. C. Ciobirca, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, S. C. Sararu, BRST cohomological results on the massless tensor field with the mixed symmetry of the Riemann tensor, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 1 (2004) 335-366
  13. C. Bizdadea, C. C. Ciobirca, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, S. C. Sararu, BF models, Romanian Journal of Physics 50 (2005) 241-248
  14. C. Bizdadea, O. Balus, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, S. C. Sararu, Irreducible approach to L-order reducible second-class theories, Romanian Journal of Physics 53 (2008) 1023-1031
  15. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, S. C. Sararu, O. Balus, Irreducible analysis of reducible second-class constraints: the example of gauge-fixed three-and two-forms with Stueckelberg coupling, Romanian Reports in Physics 62 (2010)

In proceedings of international scientific meetings (conferences, schools, workshops, etc.)

  1. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, Irreducible Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) symmetry for reducible Hamiltonian systems, Proceedings of the "Conference of Geometry and Its Applications in Technology" and "Workshop on Global Analysis, Differential Geometry and Lie Algebras", June 1999, Thessaloniki, Greece, editor Grigorios Tsagas, Geometry Balkan Press, Bucharest-Romania, Balkan Society of Geometers series, vol. 6 (2002) 38-42
  2. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, Consistent Hamiltonian interactions from BRST cohomology, Proceedings of the "2nd International School and Workshop on Quantum Field Theory and Hamiltonian Systems", 2-7 May 2000, Calimanesti, Romania, 107-125
  3. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, Lagrangian Sp(3) BRST symmetry, Proceedings of the "3rd International School and Workshop on Quantum Field Theory and Hamiltonian Systems", 6-12 May 2002, Calimanesti, Romania, 150-182
  4. C. Bizdadea, C. C. Ciobirca, E. M. Cioroianu, I. Negru, S. O. Saliu, S. C. Sararu, Interactions in theories with mixed-symmetry tensor fields, Proceedings of the "4th International School and Workshop on Quantum Field Theory and Hamiltonian Systems", 16-21 October 2004, Calimanesti, Romania, 90-110
  5. C. Bizdadea, C. C. Ciobirca, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, S. C. Sararu, Interactions in BF models, Proceedings of the "4th International School and Workshop on Quantum Field Theory and Hamiltonian Systems", 16-21 October 2004, Calimanesti, Romania, 184-196
  6. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, D. Cornea, A. C. Lungu, S. O. Saliu, S. C. Sararu, Consistent interactions between the spin-two field and fermionic fields, Proceedings of the "5th International School and Workshop on Quantum Field Theory and Hamiltonian Systems", 20-26 May 2006, Calimanesti, Romania, 168-193
  7. C. Bizdadea, C. C. Ciobirca, S. O. Saliu, Cohomological couplings between a non-massive (3,1) tensor field and an Abelian p-form, Proceedings of the "5th International School and Workshop on Quantum Field Theory and Hamiltonian Systems", 20-26 May 2006, Calimanesti, Romania, 216-223
  8. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, S. C. Sararu, PT-invariant couplings between a collection of BF models and a system of 3-form gauge fields, Proceedings of the "5th International School and Workshop on Quantum Field Theory and Hamiltonian Systems", 20-26 May 2006, Calimanesti, Romania, 224-232
  9. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, S. C. Sararu, Topological BF models in interaction with two-form gauge fields. The generalized Freedman-Townsend model, Lesson given within the program "Poisson Sigma Models, Lie Algebroids, Deformations, and Higher Analogues", organizers H. Bursztyn, H. Grosse and T. Strobl, 1 August – 21 September 2007, Erwin Schrodinger Institute, Vienna, Austria
  10. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, D. Cornea, E. Diaconu, S. O. Saliu, S. C. Sararu, No cross-couplings among different spin-two fields intermediated by a massless p-form, Proceedings of the "6th International School and Workshop on Quantum Field Theory and Hamiltonian Systems", 6-11 May 2008, Calimanesti, Romania, 151-165
  11. C. Bizdadea, O. Balus, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, S. C. Sararu, Irreducible Dirac bracket for gauge-fixed four-forms, Proceedings of the "6th International School and Workshop on Quantum Field Theory and Hamiltonian Systems", 6-11 May 2008, Calimanesti, Romania, 207-213
  12. C. Bizdadea, D. Cornea, S. O. Saliu, Interactions in theories with many massless tensors with the mixed symmetry (3,1). Case of couplings with a vector field, Proceedings of the "6th International School and Workshop on Quantum Field Theory and Hamiltonian Systems", 6-11 May 2008, Calimanesti, Romania, 230-237
  13. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, S. C. Sararu, M. Iordache, Massless Gravitino Interactions Mediated by a Topological Field Model, Proceedings of the "Physics Conference TIM-08", Timisoara, Romania, November 28-29, 2008, AIP Conference Proceedings 1131 (2009), 23-28
  14. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, A. Danehkar, M. Iordache, S. O. Saliu, S. C. Sararu, BF Models in Dual Formulations of Linearized Gravity, Proceedings of the "Physics Conference TIM-08", Timisoara, Romania, November 28-29, 2008, AIP Conference Proceedings 1131 (2009), 29-35

In academic journals CNCSIS rated (40 papers)

  1. Annals of the University of Craiova Physics AUC
  2. The Annals of the West University of Timisoara, Physics series
  3. Scientific Annals of the University "Al. I. Cuza" from Iasi, Physics section

Monographs, graduate textbooks, scientific books

  1. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, Cuantificarea teoriilor de clasa II (Quantization of second-class theories), Agora Publishing House, Craiova, 1999, 182 pp., ISBN 973-99033-3-6, in Romanian
  2. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, Simetrii BRST ireductibile si reductibile (Irreducible and reducible BRST symmetries), Universitaria Publishing House, Craiova, 2002, 145 pp., ISBN 973-8043-206-6, in Romanian
  3. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, S. C. Sararu, Modele de tip BF in interactie (Interacting BF models), Universitaria Publishing House, Craiova, 2007, 194 pp., ISBN 978-973-742-710-6, in Romanian
  4. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, S. O. Saliu, C. C. Ciobirca, I. Negru, Campuri tensoriale cu simetrii mixte (Mixed symmetry tensor fields), Universitaria Publishing House, Craiova, 2008, 250 pp., ISBN 978-606-510-401-3, in Romanian
  5. C. Bizdadea, Mecanica analitica (Analytical Mechanics), Universitaria Publishing House, Craiova, 2007, 126 pp., ISBN 978-973-742-703-8, in Romanian
  6. C. Bizdadea, S. O. Saliu, Sisteme dinamice supuse la constrangeri (Constrained Dynamics), Universitaria Publishing House, Craiova, 2007, 128 pp., ISBN 978-973-742-707-6, in Romanian
  7. C. Bizdadea, I. Negru, S. C. Sararu, Simetria BRST Lagrangiana (Lagrangian BRST symmetry), Universitaria Publishing House, Craiova, 2008, 100 pp., ISBN 978-606-510-398-6, in Romanian
  8. C. Bizdadea, E. M. Cioroianu, I. Negru, Analytical Mechanics – problems, Reprography of the University of Craiova, 2000, 178 pp., in Romanian


Research grants/contracts financed within the national scientific research programs

  1. Metode de cuantificare in teoriile gauge (Quantization methods in gauge theories), Grant type: A, Contract number/year: 4636/1999, CNCSIS code: 83/1999, Project director: C. Bizdadea
  2. Interactii Lagrangiene si Hamiltoniene in teoria particulelor elementare (Lagrangian and Hamiltonian interactions in elementary particle theory), Grant type: A, Contract number/year: 35254/2001, CNCSIS code: 140/2001, Project director: C. Bizdadea
  3. Teorii de camp cu algebre gauge neliniare (Field theories with non-linear gauge algebras), Grant type: A, Contract number/year: 33451/2002, CNCSIS code: 943/2002, Project director: C. Bizdadea,
  4. Interactii in teorii cu tensori simetrici de rang doi (Interactions in theories with symmetric tensors of degree two), Grant type: A, Contract number/year: 33062/2004; 34677/2005; GR 155/2006, CNCSIS code: 305/2004, Project director: C. Bizdadea
  5. Cercetari avansate de teoria cuantica a campurilor si gravitatie (Advanced researches in quantum field theory and gravitation), Contract type: PC-D, Contract number/year: CEx05-D11-49/2005, Scientist in-charge at the University of Craiova: C. Bizdadea
  6. Interactii fundamentale si geometrodinamica (Fundamental interactions and geometrodynamics), Contract type: PC-D, Contract number/year: 2-CEx06-11-92/2006, Project director: C. Bizdadea
  7. Teorii topologice de camp (Topological field theories), Grant type: A, Contract number/year: 97GR/2007; 65GR/2008, CNCSIS code: 581/2007, Project director: C. Bizdadea

International scientific research contracts

  1. Constituents, fundamental forces and symmetries of the universe, Contract type: FP6-Marie Curie Research Training Networks, Contract number/year: MRTN-CT-2004-005104/2004-2008, Scientist in-charge at the University of Craiova: C. Bizdadea


  1. Abordari Hamiltoniene ale teoriilor reductibile (Hamiltonian approaches to reducible theories), in Romanian
    Author: Eugen-Mihaita CIOROIANU
    Date of defense: 02.02.2002

  2. Interactii consistente in teorii cu campuri vectoriale si campuri de materie (Consistent interactions in theories with vector fields and matter fields), in Romanian
    Author: Mihaela-Tinca MIAUTA
    Date of defense: 28.06.2002

  3. Teorii topologice de tip BF (Topological BF theories), in Romanian
    Author: Silviu-Constantin SARARU
    Date of defense: 24.02.2006

  4. Campuri tensoriale cu simetrii mixte (Mixed symmetry tensor fields), in Romanian
    Author: Costin Catalin CIOBIRCA
    Date of defense: 08.07.2006

  5. Aspecte coomologice in supergravitatia N=1, D=11 (Cohomological aspects in N=1, D=11 SUGRA), in Romanian
    Author: Eugen DIACONU
    Date of defense: 12. 12. 2008

  6. Abordari coomologice in gravitatia Einstein-Hilbert (Cohomological approaches to Einstein-Hilbert gravity), in Romanian
    Author: Dan CORNEA
    Date of defense: 12. 12. 2008

  7. Teorii reductibile de clasa II (Reducible second-class theories), in Romanian
    Author: Oana BALUS
    Date of defense: 30. 10. 2009

  8. Interactii in teorii cu spin 3/2 si spin 2 mediate de modele topologice de tip BF (Interactions in theories of spin 3/2 and spin 2 intermediated by topological BF theories), in Romanian
    Author: Marius IORDACHE
    Date of defense: 30. 10. 2009



  • 2006 “Horia Hulubei ” prize of the Romanian Academy
  • Member of the Romanian Physical Society
  • Member of the Romania-CERN Committee
  • Member of the Physics Commission of CNATDCU
  • CNCSIS expert
  • Reviewer at the Mathematical Reviews
  • Director of the Doctoral School of Physics at the University of Craiova
  • Known foreign languages: English, French
  • Citations: 77, SPIRES-HEP citation list, ISI Web of Knowledge citation list
  • Overall individual score: 55