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International conference on Lifelong Learning for Competitiveness, Employability and Social Inclusion
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International Conference
International conference on Lifelong Learning for Competitiveness, Employability and Social Inclusion

Welcome to the International Conference on Lifelong learning for Competitiveness, Employability and Social Inclusion. This conference aims to address the issue of using learning as a tool to increase the competitiveness of organisations worldwide and improve the employability of our citizens.
In today's difficult economic times achieving and maintaining competitiveness is key. Management literature suggests that competitive advantage built on knowledge and skills is less visible to competitors and thus more difficult to imitate, therefore providing a base for a more robust advantage. Thus the focus of the conference is learning for competitiveness in order to build and sustain a more robust economy.
The conference will be held from 11-13 november 2011. The conference is develop in side of ReadiSme Project, Life Long Learing Program

Honor president:
Rector - University of Craiova, Prof. univ. dr. Ion Vladimirescu

Dean FEFS Craiova, Prof. univ.dr. Marian Dragomir

Dr.Ileana Hamburg, Institut Arbeit und Technik Gelsenkichen, Germany
Dr.Emma O'Brien, University of Limerick, Ireland
Prof. univ. dr. ing Mihnea Marin, University of Craiova, Romania
Dr. ing. Gabriel Vladut, IPA Craiova, Romania

Scientific Secretary:
Prof. univ. dr. Ligia Rusu

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Universitatea din Craiova

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