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Study plans for bachelor programme, field: Theatre
Specialisation: Performing arts (acting)

Year of study 1

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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 14 weeks
Analiza textului dramatic
Workshop: Artistic creativity
Theatrical performance
Stage improvisation
Stage diction expression and training
Foreign language - English
Cunoştinţe muzicale-cânt
Rhythm and stage dance
Expresie corporală
Foreign language
Musical instruments
History of world drama and of theatrical performance
Semester no.: 2; Duration : 14 weeks
History of world drama and of theatrical performance
Analiza textului dramatic
Workshop: Artistic creativity
Theatrical performance
Stage improvisation
Stage diction expression and training
Foreign language - English
Cunoştinţe muzicale-cânt
Rhythm and stage dance
Expresie corporală

Year of study 2

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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 14 weeks
Ateliere de creaţie artistică individual
Theatrical performance
Stage improvisation - individual level
Stage diction expression and training
Rhythm and stage dance
Individual repertoire
Musical knowledge, vocal skills, song
Expresie corporală
Semester no.: 2; Duration : 14 weeks
History of world drama and of theatrical performance
History of the Romanian drama and of theatrical performance
Workshop: Artistic creativity
Theatrical performance
Stage improvisation
Stage diction expression and training
Rhythm and stage dance
Individual repertoire
Foreign language - English
Musical knowledge, vocal skills, song
Expresie corporală
Theatrical performance practice
Film and TV acting

Year of study 3

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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 12 weeks
History of the Romanian drama and of theatrical performance
Foreign language - English
Theatrical performance (B.A. degree Graduation performance)
Stage improvisation
Ateliere de creaţie artistică individual
Stage diction expression and training
Theatrical performance practice
Film and TV acting
Rhythm and stage dance
Semester no.: 2; Duration : 12 weeks
History of the Romanian drama and of theatrical performance
Foreign language - English
Theatrical performance (B.A. degree Graduation performance)
Stage improvisation
Workshop: Artistic creativity
Stage diction expression and training
Theatrical performance practice
Film and TV acting
Musical knowledge, vocal skills, song
Expresie corporală
Rhythm and stage dance
Cercetare proiect licenţă
Management şi producţie teatrală

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University of Craiova, Romania

address: st. A. I. Cuza no.13, Craiova, Romania, zip: 200585
fax: +40 251 411688
tel: +40 251 411688