The Faculty of Physical Education and Sport has a personal building with many spaces for didactic activity that are endowed with all facilities necessary for best study of the education programmes that are suitable for the disciplines of each department of the Faculty. The Faculty has students, hostels for romanian and foreigner students.
The Faculty has lecture rooms, methodical cabinets and laboratories for all disciplines, personal library that has more than 4000 books, computers, room where the computers are connected to Internet, rooms for kinesiotherapy that are endowed with fixed medical apparatus and with mobile medical apparatus for ground investigations, rooms for practical activity, it has outdoor playing fields and covered playing fields for the sportive activities that are endowed with special equipments and apparatus for each sportive branches and it has ski and swimming outfits.
Of great importance are the scientific researches, therefore our Faculty offers facilities for the elaboration of academic courses and researche works for professorial staff and for students.
1. The main Faculty's residence is distributed on an area of 6,03 hectare and includes:
- A building where there are the dean,s office, the secretariate, the offices for deputy deans and scientific secretary, the make-up office, seminary halls for athletics, gymnastics, handball, volleyball, psychology, pedagogy, biochemistry,sport boiomechanics, two rooms for computers and the centre of AOR Dolj.
- Another building for the Depatment of kinesiology that includes laboratories for anatomy, physiology, physiotherapeutics, erophysiology, functional explorations and massage.
- An edifice with a lecture room, gymnasium, rooms for athletics and heavy athletics and for fitness, storehouses for equipments and sportive materials.
- Two students, hostels with a capacity over 160 places.
- Outdoor playing fields for football, athletics, handball, volleyball, basketball and lawn tennis.
2. The sports centre "University Hall" that includes rooms for artistic gymnastics, volleyball and basketball and fencing.
3. The sports ground "Ion Oblemenco" that has a room for table tennis and one for handball.
4. The sports centre "Faculty of Physical Education and Sport" that includes two rooms for sports, outdoor playing fields for athletics, football, handball, volleyball, basketball, offices for the third chair and a storehouse for equipments and sportive materials.
5. The Sports, Hall from Craiova is a modern hall arranged for all games, it has all the necessary facilities for the representative performance teams.
6. Inside the building where there is the Department of kinesiology exists the Centre for the precocious recovery of the children with disabilities carried out together with the non-governmental organization"World Vision".
