A.8 Participation in other SOCRATES Actions and/or other
European Programmes
Thematic Networks
* We do not intent to initiate as coordinators a Thematic Network in the academic year 2000 -2001.
* We intend to be involved as partners in the following Thematic Networks:
1) "EUPEN" for the Faculties of Physics from Europe, area code 13.2, network co-ordinated by the University of Gent (Belgium).
2) "Enhancing European Engineering Education (E4)", area code 06.2, co-ordinated by University of Firenze (Italy).
A.8.2-3 Other
SOCRATES Actions and other European Programmes
Our University participates in many TEMPUS Programmes, among which:
1) TEMPUS JEP EPROM 13507/98;
2) TEMPUS JEP 14 302/99 "Networking for student counselling management"