Articole publicate in jurnale cu referenti
Crolet J.M., "Human cortical bone : the SINUPROS model. Part I
- Description and macroscopic results", Computer Methods in
Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, ISSN: 1025-5842, Volume 11,
pp. 169 – 187, Issue 2 April 2008
(journal cited by
ISI Database)
(DOI: 10.1080/10255840701695140)
Crolet J. M., Racila M., “Collagen fibers effect on the
mechanical properties of cortical bone. A numerical approach”,
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, ISSN:
1025-5842, Volume 11, Supplement 1,
pp 69 - 71, 2008
(journal cited by
ISI Database)
Racila M.,
Crolet J.M., "Human cortical bone: the Sinupros model", Studies
in health technology and informatics, J. Hammer et al. Eds, IOS Press,
ISSN 0926-9630,vol.133,pp.208-215,2008 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18431849?dopt=Abstract
Racila M.,
Crolet J. M., “Nano and macro structure of cortical
bone: numerical investigations”, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and
Structures, Volume 14, Issue 8, pp. 655 - 663, ISSN:
(journal cited by
ISI Database)
Racila M.,
Crolet J. M., “SINUPROS: human cortical bone
multiscale model with a fluide-structure interaction”, Computer
Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering,
Taylor & Francis Group,
ISSN: 1025-5842, vol. 10, Supplement 1, pp. 179-181,
(journal cited by
ISI Database)
(DOI: 10.1080/10255840701479891)
Racila M.,
Crolet J. M., "Human cortical bone: computer method for physical
behavior at nano scale. Constant pressure assumption", Technology
and Health Care – Journal of the European Society for Engineering and
IOS Press,
ISSN 0928-7329, Vol.14, No. 4,5, pp. 379-392,
(ID 8966995400 cited by
Scopus Database)
Crolet J. M.,
Racila M.,
Mahraoui R., Meunier A., "New numerical concept for
hydroxyapatite in human cortical bone", Computer Methods in
Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering,
Taylor & Francis Group,
ISSN: 1025-5842, Vol. 8 (2), pp. 139-143,
(journal cited by
ISI Database)
Crolet J. M.,
Racila M.,
"Sur les propriétés physiques homogénéisées d'une paroi
osseuse", Annals of University of Craiova,
vol. 32,
ISSN: 1223-6934, pp. 106-111,
(cited by
Math Scinet:
MR2215902 and
Zentralblatt Math:
Zbl pre 05176684)
Racila M.,
Crolet J. M., "Multi physic and multi scale aspects
in human cortical bone", Rom. Journ. Phys., ISSN 1221-146X, vol. 50,
nos 9-10, pp. 1157-1161,
(journal cited by
ISI Database)
Racila M.,
"On the homogenized behaviour of composites with
periodic structure", Annals of Univ. of Craiova, Math.Comp.Sci.Ser.
ISSN: 1223-6934, pp.146-150,
(cited by
Zentralblatt Math:
Zbl 1073.35511 and
Math Scinet:
D. Constantinescu,
Racila M.,
"Using Maple V in computer modeling of complex systems",
Bul.St. of University of Pitesti, Mathematics-Informatics, no.3,
Racila M.,
"On some properties of quasi-uniform convergence and
quasi-continuous functions", Real Analysis Exchange, Michigan State
(2), pp. 791-798,
(cited by
Zentralblatt Math:
Zbl 0967.26004,
Scopus Database:
ID 8966995400 and
Math Scinet:
Racila M.,
"Une méthode de type élément fini appliquée dans la
mécanique des fluides", Annals of Univ. of Craiova,
Math.Comp.Sci.Ser, vol.XXIII, ISSN: 1223-6934,
(cited by
Zentralblatt Math:
Zbl 1053.76518 and
Math Scinet:
Articole publicate in carti cu ISBN
M. Racila,
C. Stroe, J.M. Crolet, "SiNuPrOs : Etude de la perméabilité multi
échelle de l'os cortical humain", in "Reconstruction osseuse et
cutanée: biomécanique et techniques de l'ingénieur", Ed. Sauramp
Médical, ISBN : 978-2-84023-583-5,
pp. 13-24, 2008
J.M. Crolet, M. Racila, "SINUPROS,
modèle numérique de l'os cortical. Modélisation du fluide et méthode de
quantification des champs physiques à diverses échelles", in
"Reconstruction osseuse et cutanée: biomécanique et techniques de
l'ingénieur", Ed. Sauramp Médical,
ISBN : 978-2-84023-583-5, pp. 25-46,
J.M. Crolet, "Orientation de la minéralisation et propriétés
mécaniques de l'os cortical. Une approche numérique", in
"Reconstruction osseuse et cutanée: biomécanique et techniques de
l'ingénieur", Ed. Sauramp Médical,
ISBN : 978-2-84023-583-5, pp. 47-56,
Crolet J. M., M. Racila, "Un modèle numérique au service de
l’orthopédie", Bio ingénierie et reconstruction osseuse, Ed. Sauramps
Medical, France, ISBN : 978-2-84023-532-3, pp. 81-105, 2007