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Study plans for bachelor programme, field: Mechatronics and robotics
Specialisation: Robotics

Year of study 1

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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 14 weeks
Mathematical Analysis
Linear Algebra, Analitic and Differential Geometry
Chemistry of Materials
Computer Programming and Programming Languages
Culture and Civilisation
English language
Educaţie fizică (facultativ)
Semester no.: 2; Duration : 14 weeks
Numerical Calculus and Statical Mathematics
Special Chapters of Mathematics
Electrotehnics Fundamentals
Java Programming
Computer Aided Graphics
English language
Educaţie fizică (facultativ)

Year of study 2

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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 14 weeks
Linear Electronic Circuits
Digital Devices Analysis and Design
System theory
Data Bases
Data Bases (project)
Object oriented programming
English language
Semester no.: 2; Duration : 14 weeks
Actuators Systems
Digital Electronics
Introduction to Mechatronics
Roborics Fundamentals
Computer Architecture
Cognitive Psychology
English language
Practical stage

Year of study 3

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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 14 weeks
Mechanisms and Microsystems for Actuating
Automata and Microprogramming
Automata and Microprogramming (project)
Intelligent human -machine systems
Systems for Robots Control
Sensors and Sensorial Systems
Microcontrollers and microprocessors
Microcontrollers and microprocessors (project)
Fluid Systems in robotics
Semester no.: 2; Duration : 14 weeks
Applications of Robotics Systems
Applications of Robotics Systems(project)
Control Engineering
Data Transmission
Computer Aided Design
Industrial Software
Project Management
Practical stage

Year of study 4

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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 14 weeks
Embeded Systems
Intelligent Structures and Materials
Logic and Programmable Circuits
Artificial View
Artificial Intelligence
Mobile Robots
Laws in Informatics
Semester no.: 2; Duration : 14 weeks
Numeric Command Tools and Machins
Fabrication/Production Lines and Cells
Virtual Manufacturing
Modelling and Identification of Robotics Structures
Acquisition System and Interfaces
Robots Programming
Licence Project Development

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address: st. A. I. Cuza no.13, Craiova, Romania, zip: 200585
fax: +40 251 411688
tel: +40 251 411688