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Study plans for bachelor programme, field: Computers and information technology
Specialisation: Computer science

Year of study 1

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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 14 weeks
Mathematical Analysis
Linear Algebra and Geometry
Computers programming
Logical Design of Digital Computers
Knowledge, Human Communication and Internet
English language
Semester no.: 2; Duration : 14 weeks
Special Chapters of Mathematics
Numerical Methods
Electrotehnics Fundamentals
Programming Techniques
Programming techniques (project)
Digital Systems Design
Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals
English language

Year of study 2

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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 14 weeks
Data Structures and Algorithms
Algorithms and data structures (project)
Measurements Techniques
Computer Architecture
Systems Theory and Control
Object Oriented Programming
Object oriented programming (project)
Project Management
English language
Semester no.: 2; Duration : 14 weeks
Algorithms Complexity Analysis
Artificial Intelligence
Computer Graphics
Programming in assembly languages
Elements of accounting
English language
Practical stage

Year of study 3

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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 14 weeks
Digital Integrated Circuits
Data Bases
Operating systems
Data communications
Computer Structure and Organization
Computer Structure and Organization (project)
Visual Programming Environments
Medii de programare vizuală (proiect)
Semester no.: 2; Duration : 14 weeks
Computer networks
Data bases design
Data bases design (project)
Microprocessors Systems Design
Distributed Network Application Development
Distributed Network Application Development (project)
Practical stage
Network and Computer Systems Testing
Network and Computer Systems Testing (Project)
Input/output systems
Computer Systems Modeling
Software Engineering
Ingineria programării (proiect)

Year of study 4

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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 14 weeks
Real time computer systems
Real time computer systems (project)
Computer Networks Management
E-Commerce (project)
Web Applications Design
Web Applications Design(project)
Data Security
Data Security (project)
Frameworks for Digital Systems Development
Models and Algorithms for Parallel Computing
Models and Algorithms for Parallel Computing (project)
Formal Languages and Automata
Semester no.: 2; Duration : 14 weeks
Embedded systems
Embedded systems (project)
DSP in Communication
High Speed Networks
Information systems management
VLSI Environments
Compiler Design
Compiler Design (project)
Licence Project Development
Expert systems
Multimedia Applications Development
Graphical Systems
Algorithms for Information Retrieval

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University of Craiova, Romania

address: st. A. I. Cuza no.13, Craiova, Romania, zip: 200585
fax: +40 251 411688
tel: +40 251 411688