Invited Speakers


1. Vladimir BALAN, Politehica University of Bucharest, Romania

Canonically induced structures in the m-th root pseudo-Finsler framework

2. Aurel BEJANCU, Kuwait University,

A new point of view on the geometry of a 5d universe

3. Ismail Naci CANGUL, Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey

Graph Theoretical Indices and Some Applications, (joint work with Aysun YURTTAS, Muge TOGAN and Ahmet Sinan CEVIK)

4. Jean-Marie CROLET, ISIFC, Besançon, France

Numerical simulations of bone remodeling in pathological cases

5. Calin-Ioan GHEORGHIU, T. Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca,Romania

Accurate Spectral Collocation Solutions to some Nonlinear Wave Equations

6. Mario LEFEBVRE, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada

Estimating the Probability of Exceeding a Given River Flow Threshold

7. Marin MARIN, ,,Transilvania” University of Brasov, Romania

Effect of microtemperatures in mixed problem of thermoelastic micropolar bodies

8. Sorin MICU, University of Craiova, Romania

Stabilization of a Boussinesq system with localized damping

9. Costica MOROSANU, “Al. I. Cuza” University, Iasi, Romania

Analysis of stability and error estimates for three methods approximating a nonlinear reaction-diffusion equation (joint work with Silviu PAVÃL and Cătălin TRENCHEA)

10. Gheorghe MUNTEANU, ,,Transilvania" University of Brasov, Romania

On the geometry of holomorphic Lie algebroids (joint work with Alexandru IONESCU)

12. Grigory PANASENKO, University Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, France

Junction of models of different dimensions for flows in thin tube structures

13. Radu PURICE, “Simion Stoilow” Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania

About the Onsager-Peierls substitution

14. Higinio RAMOS, University of Salamanca, Spain

Formulas for the exact integration of products of polynomials, exponentials and sine or cosine

15. Vladimir RASVAN,University of Craiova, Romania

A self synchronizing structure with propagation (joint work with Daniela DANCIU)

16. Vicentiu RADULESCU, University of Craiova & “Simion Stoilow” Institute of

Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania Combined singular effects in nonlinear problems

17. Ana Margarida RIBEIRO, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

Characterization of Sobolev spaces through functionals without derivatives dependence (joint work with C. KREISBECK and R. FERREIRA)

18. Mircea SOFONEA, Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, France

Variational-Hemivariational Inequalities with Applications in Contact Mechanics

19. Claudia TIMOFTE, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics

Microstructure Models for Composites with Imperfect Interfaces (joint work with Horia I.ENE)

20. Constantin UDRISTE, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

Optimal reliability allocation (joint work with Ali Sapeeh RASHEED and Saad Abbas ABED)